User Guide
EdgeLens | INT10G8XX56 | 4.22.1
5. Select Configure.
The Configure panel will be displayed.
6. Select GRE RX Only.
7. Enter the Tunnel IP Address, (VXLAN Header DIP).
8. Enter the Next Hop IP Address, (VXLAN Header SIP).
9. Enter the Next Hop MAC Address, (VXLAN Header DMAC).
10. Enter the Key, (1-16777215).
The default VXLAN Header SMAC is automatically defined by the system. There are five
predefined SMACs.
11. Select Advanced to select an alternative SMAC or to manually enter the SMAC.
12. Select Advanced to add a VLAN ID, optional, (1-4095).
13. Select Set.
14. Select Cancel to disregard.
15. Select Save.
The gre-rx-only tunnel will be displayed on the Tunnels panel.
16. The tunnel may be deleted by selecting the Red X.
17. Select OK.
Filter Template
Filter templates may be created as a pass all, pass by or deny by. Pass by and deny by templates
may include multiple matching options to filter traffic. The options are considered by the system as (and)
options. Thus, for traffic to pass or be denied it must match all defined options. Once a template is
created it will appear on the Create Config Map panel and may be used to create an ingress or egress
filter. Template options may be modified when applied to a config map. Any option modification made will
not change the original template. It is advisable to rename a filter applied to a config map if the original
template options were modified.
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