User Guide
EdgeLens | INT10G8XX56 | 4.22.1
7. Bypass Threshold
The bypass threshold determines how many inline appliance port(s) may fail,
loss of link or heartbeats, before the tap switches to bypass.
8. Select Accept to save updates. Save must additionally be selected on the Bypass Taps panel.
9. Select Cancel to return the Bypass Taps panel.
ATLB2 Chained Tap Mode
When the taps are placed in this mode the system automatically defines:
Ports 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8
Network Ports
Ports 9-16
Entity A inline appliance ports
Ports 17-24
Entity B inline appliance ports
Ports 25-33
Entity C inline appliance ports
Ports 33-40
Entity D inline appliance ports
Any previous configured database associated with ports 1 through 40 will be deleted when this mode is
applied. Entity inline appliance ports or entities may be removed as desired. Any entity inline
appliance ports that are removed may be used as packet broker ports. The network ports are paired,
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 and are typically connected to network devices such as a server or router. The
network traffic is chained through entities A, B, C and D and load balanced to each entity inline
appliance ports. Heartbeat packets are transmitted bidirectionally from the entity inline appliance ports
on the tap through the IPSs or tools to monitor the health of the devices.
Garland Technology | 716.242.8500 | www.garlandtechnology.com
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