User Guide
EdgeLens | INT10G8XX56 | 4.22.1
Force Bypass If selected, the tap will switch the traffic between the network ports with no
regard for the primary inline appliance or the secondary inline appliance port(s),
link or heartbeats. Typically used during maintenance activities.
Figure 13 Primary-Secondary Tap Mode (Force Bypass)
4. Select the Fail Mode.
If selected, power is lost to the unit. The traffic will switch between the
network ports.
If selected, power is lost to the unit. The traffic will go down.
5. LFP
If enabled and link is lost on one of the network ports. The TX will be disabled on
the other network port. The RX for both network ports remain on.
Figure 14 Primary-Secondary Tap Mode (LFP)
6. Reverse Bypass
If enabled and the primary inline appliance and the secondary inline appliance
port(s) fail, loss of link or heartbeats. The TX will be disabled on both of the
network ports. The RX for both network ports remain on.
Figure 15 Primary-Secondary Tap Mode (Reverse Bypass)
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