How to adjust TVG for external echo sounders where "External
Fish Finder Window" is set to "On" at installation
1. Place the cursor inside the external fish finder screen, then right-click. The [Exter-
nal Fish Finder] menu appears.
2. The [Sounder] menu is already selected.
3. Select the frequency for the sounder you want to adjust. [HF] for high frequency,
[LF] for low frequency. The settings for the selected frequency appear on the right-
side of the window.
4. Click the [TVG Level] adjust buttons (
) as appropriate.
Select a larger figure to increase TVG, or a smaller figure to decrease TVG.
5. Click [OK] to save the current changes and close the menu window.
Click [Cancel] to abort all changes and close the menu window.
How to Save and Load Settings
Settings can be stored to, or loaded from, either the FCV-38 internal memory or an
external storage device.
How to save settings
The internal memory can store up to 8 settings variations. For external memory, the
maximum number of settings variations which can be stored depends on the external
memory’s available capacity.
Settings which have been over-written (saved over) cannot be restored. Always
check that the save location is correct before starting the save procedure.
How to save settings to internal memory
1. Click the [Advanced Settings] icon (
) from the InstantAccess bar™, then click
the [Advanced Settings] icon (
) to show the [Advanced Settings] window.
2. Click the Internal Setting icon (
) to show the internal setting save/load icons.
3. Click the Save Settings icon (
) to show the save slot icons.
4. Select the save slot you want to use. A confirmation message pop-up appears af-
ter the save process is complete.
5. Click [OK] to close the pop-up.
[Save Settings] icon
Save slot icons. Green: In use, but can over-write;