The Panda Generator
Seite/Page 50 - Kaptitel/Chapter 6: The Panda Generator
6.3.3 Components of Fuel System
Fig. 6.3.3-1: External Electrical Fuel Pump
External Electrical Fuel Pump
The Panda generator is always supplied with an external,
electrical (12 V DC) fuel pump. The fuel pump must be
always installed in the proximity of the tank. The electrical
connections with the lead planned for it are before installed at
the generator. Since the suction height and the supply
pressure are limited, it can be sometimes possible that for
reinforcement a second pump must be installed.
Fig. 6.3.3-2: Connection Pieces for the Fuel Pipe
Connecting Pieces for the Fuel Pipe
1. Fuel intake
2. Fuel backflow
Fig. 6.3.3-3: Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
A consequential filtering of fuel is especially important for all
marine systems.
A fine filter, which is firmly attached to the inside of the sound
insulation capsule for the marine version, is supplied on
delivery, and loose for other makes. In all cases a further pre-
filter with water separator must be installed. See directions
for fuel filter installation.
Fig. 6.3.3-4: Fuel-stopsolonoid
Fuel Ventilation Screw
All models that do not have a fuel solenoid valve are
equipped with a fuel ventilation screw to ventilate the fuel