The Panda Generator
Kapitel/Chapter 6: The Panda Generator - Seite/Page 45
Details of functional units
6.3.1 Components of the Cooling System (Raw Water)
Fig. 6.3.1-1: Raw water intake
Raw water intake
The diagram shows the supply pipes for the generator. The
connection neck for the raw water connection is shown on
the right hand side. The cross-section of the intake pipe
should be nominally larger than the generator connection.
Fig. 6.3.1-2: Raw water impeller pump
Raw water impeller pump
The raw water pump is fitted with a rubber impeller. This
pump is self-inductive. If, for example, you forget to open the
sea valve, then you must expect the impeller to be destroyed
after a short period of time. It is recommended to store
several impellers on board as spare parts.
Fig. 6.3.1-3: Heat Exchanger
Heat exchanger (mounted inside)
The heat exchanger separates the raw water system from
the fresh water system, so that the generator components do
not have contact with the raw water circulation system. The
raw water is fed direct to the exhaust connection piece at the
heat exchanger outlet.