The Panda Generator
Kapitel/Chapter 6: The Panda Generator - Seite/Page 55
Fig. 6.3.5-2: Main Power
Main Power
At the front of the sound insulation cover is also the outlet for
the main power cable. Here are also the cables for external
condensers connections, depending upon type of generator
(see Connection Diagram for the AC-Control box!)
Fig. 6.3.5-3: Electrical Connections
Electrical connections for control
All remaining cables are located at the front end of the
generator for electrical connections, depending upon type.
The connections are taken from the AC-Control Box Plan.
See here:
1. Fuel pump
2. Remote control panel
3. VCS
4. AC-Control-Box
Fig. 6.3.5-4: Starter Motor
Starter motor
1. Starter motor and
2. Solenoid switch
The diesel engine is started electrically. The electrical starter
with the solenoid switch is located at the rear of the engine.