The Panda Generator
Seite/Page 56 - Kaptitel/Chapter 6: The Panda Generator
Fig. 6.3.5-5: Actuator
Actuator for speed regulation
The generator voltage is determined by progressive speed
control through „VCS“ in conjunction with the speed actuator.
Speed increases with increasing load.
Fig. 6.3.5-6: Blind Plug
Blind Plug for Speed Sensor
All Panda Generators can be fitted with an external automatic
starter. A separate speed sensor is necessary for this
automatic starting system. The speed sensor is fitted as
series in the case of some models. In the case of other
models, the opening for the speed sensor is closed off by
means of a sealing plug.
Fig. 6.3.5-7: DC Alternator
DC Alternator
All Panda generators from Panda 6.000 are provided with its
own charge system for the 12V DC mains. This DC-alternator
is powered over a v-belt together with the internal cooling
water pump.
The 12 V charge system may be used only for the generator-
own starter battery.