Generator Faults
Kapitel/Chapter 10: Generator Faults - Seite/Page 205
This period can be reduced by pushing the button on the front of the generator. The generator can be started by
means of the remote control as long as the button is depressed. The switch/ button bypasses any faults allowing the
generator to run.
Before depressing the button, check the oil level with the dip stick to determine whether the generator has sufficient
oil, as it is possible that the oil pressure switch causes the generator to cut out. If it has been ascertained that the
reason for the motor cutting out is overheating and not lack of oil, the generator can be run for several minutes
without load, so that the motor is cooled by the circulating coolant.
If the temperature is the reason for the generator cutting out when it is running under load, then an
immediate check must be made to determine the cause. It could be a fault with the cooling system, one of
the fans, the air-intake or a fault with the external cooling system.
Continual use of the starter-failure bypass switch should be avoided, while the generator cuts out during operation.
The generator must always run without load for several minutes before being switched off, so that temperature
compensation occurs. Heat accumulation can cause the generator to overheat, even after it has been switched off.
Should the overheating alarm be set off, caused by heat accumulation, after the generator has been switched off,
then this can also be bypassed using the switch.
10.9.3 Lifting solenoid for motor stop - optional
There are two different versions of lifting solenoids:
A. Energized to stop
The lifting solenoid is furnished with voltage and pulled by pushing the „OFF“-button on the remote control panel. By
doing that, the injection pump is set on zero lift and the generator stops.
B. Energized to run
This version is equipped with two solenoids, an operation- and a holding solenoid. After applying voltage, the
operation solenoid pulls the adjusting lever of the injection pump, which gives way to the fuel. After reaching its end
position, the operation magnet is switched off and the holding solenoid keeps that position as long as the generator
is operating.
The „START“-button should not be pressed any longer
than 5 sec. during the starting process, or the lifting
solenoid draws too much current over the starter motor.
Otherwise the lifting solenoid needs to be disconnected.
Fig. 10.9.3-1: Lifting solenoid for motor stop
Lifting solenoid for motor stop
Sample Picture
Damage to starter motor
The starter is fitted with a free wheel or axial rotating spring cog, which prevents the starter being driven externally
by means of the motor. The free wheel will be heavily worn, if the starter still operates, thereby causing damage to
the springs, roller bearings or cog teeth. This could lead to complete destruction of the starter.
It is important that every person who operates the generator is informed of this situation. This is practically