inches, abbreviation and keyboard
Insert blank page command 5-2
Instructions field 1-7, 3-15, 3-17
canceling 3-21
defined xiv
editing content of 6-21
importing 3-10
imposing 5-3
imposition data 6-26
limit 7-10
monitoring 3-7
overrides 3-15, 7-7
previewing 4-1, 4-4, 4-6, 7-12, 7-15,
saving imposed 5-13
searching for 3-32
selecting 3-8
sorting 3-8
temporary files 2-28, 6-26
transferring to another server 3-20
job environment
defined 1-1
operator-controlled 1-2
job flow
communicating print requirements 1-5
diagram 1-4
monitoring 3-7
overview 1-2
status indicators 2-10
job icons
Print area 7-10
RIP area 7-9
Spool area 7-8
Job label
date 6-8
defined 6-8, A-5
job name 6-8
sheet information 6-8
time 6-8
Job Log
displaying 7-19
exporting to a file 3-31
panel 2-7, 3-30
printing 2-26, 3-31
using 7-18
viewing printed jobs 7-4
Job menu commands 7-4
job name 6-8
Job Properties dialog box 3-25
Job status indicators 2-10
job ticket
customizing 3-9
defined 1-7
sorting by 3-8
Jobs window
job ticket information 3-9
overview 2-5
bleeds 6-10
defined 6-6, A-4
maximum number of pages 6-6
rows in 6-7
layout mode
characteristics 5-8
clipping indicators 6-12
defined 5-8
reordering pages 6-18
Zoom tool disabled 5-9