Imposition settings
Imposition settings
Imposition settings apply only to the job currently displayed in the main window.
Because these settings usually affect the job’s printed layout, they are saved with the job
and used whenever the job is opened. For example, as you open jobs saved with
different layouts, you see the display change accordingly. Changes to imposition
settings are applied to the current job immediately, but are not saved permanently until
you save the job itself.
You can specify imposition settings using controls in the Sheet, Layout, Scale, and
Finishing panes on the left side of the main window. To view or hide a settings pane,
click the bar for that settings group.
You can change the default unit of measurement for all input fields in the
Command WorkStation Preferences dialog box. You can also specify any unit of
measurement in any field that accepts input by adding one of the following
abbreviations to the new value:
• “i,” “in,” or the inch symbol (") specifies inches, for example: 8.5 i, 8.5 in, 8.5"
• “mm” specifies millimeters, for example: 8.5 mm
• “pt” or “pts” specifies points, for example: 8.5 pts
Click to view or hide
the settings panel