Basics of Imposition
A DocBuilder Pro layout designates the location of folds, cuts, and other elements by
means of markings called printer’s marks, which appear on the printed sheet outside
the main content area of the job.
• The job label comprises descriptive text such as the name of the job, a sheet
identifier, and the date and time the sheet was printed.
• The location of a fold is defined by a dotted line called a fold mark; similarly, the
location of a cut is defined by a solid line called a trim mark.
• Specialized marks also define the size and locations of margins (space surrounding
the page’s content area), gutters (space between pages), and bleeds (extensions of
content beyond a trim mark; used to ensure that the printed area extends to the very
edge of a trimmed page).
DocBuilder Pro makes it easy to set up gutters and specify a set of printer’s marks to
image on the finished sheet, as shown in the following illustration.
Job label
Trim marks
Fold mark