Instruction Manual for the Delivery Table FREYA 3
Page 19
3.12. Installation and removal of the foot support
The foot support is used during labour and serves as a support for the labouring woman's feet. The
support (fig. 1, item 16) can be twisted and pulled out of the extended lying surface frame, thus
adjusting the foot support angle. The support is mounted by means of a locking pin.
Having removed the foot support, mount the board (fig. 1, item 6).
Maximum permissible working load of the foot support: up to 500 N.
If the device is to be used as a standard bed, mount the low footboard.
3.13. Adjustment of the calf support and hand holder on the strip
The calf support serves as support for the lower limb when the patient is in the horizontal or vertical
position. The calf support (fig. 1, item 14) is mounted by means of the multi-position holder, on the
strip bolted to the permanent lying surface frame. The multi-position holders enable the appropriate leg
support angle. The hand holder (fig. 1, item 15) is mounted on the strip bolted to the permanent lying
surface frame.
Obligatorily maintain a safe distance between the mounting element of the hand
holder and the side rail. Failure to observe the above note may, at the extreme
angles, lead to crushing the patient's/operator's fingers or to damaging the
delivery table elements.
Maximum permissible working load of the hand holder, mounted in the multi-
position holder, on the fastening strip: up to 500 N.
Obligatorily maintain the safe distance between the support element of the calf
support and the seat section, while adjusting the position angle. Failure to observe
the above note may, at the extreme angles, lead to crushing the
patient's/operator's fingers or to damaging the delivery table elements.
Maximum permissible working load of the calf support, mounted in the multi-
position holder, on the fastening strip: up to 5 st (30 kg).
3.14. Central caster locking device
Rolling of the delivery table in all directions should proceed smoothly. The table comes equipped with
the central locking device. The central locking device lever can be set in three positions (fig. 3):
- upper
- directional lock,
- middle (vertical)
- lock released,
- lower
- all the casters locked.
Fig. 3
The directional lock is used while rolling the table at long, straightforward distances. The directional
lock facilitates taking bends with the table. The lock of all the casters immobilises the table entirely.