Instruction Manual for the Delivery Table FREYA 3
Page 13
During normal use, the table must obligatorily be connected to the mains.
Additionally, the proper connection is indicated by a lit indicator (in the option
where it is included), located in the base cover, above the power cord output from
the delivery table base.
Description of the electronic control system
The delivery table LM-03 comes equipped with an electronic control system, allowing the user to
adjust these parameters:
lying surface height,
longitudinal tilting angle of the lying surface (Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg),
backrest section inclination angle
thigh section inclination angle
The electrical system control depends on the version:
central control panel,
wired controller with the locking functionality
control panels in the rails
foot controllers (option)
Control by monostable buttons (require constant activation).
Each function is activated by pushing the control button and deactivated by releasing it.
3.1.1. Central control panel
The central control panel (hung on the high board, fig. 1, item 8c) is intended for the medical staff to
control the table functions. It also enables the staff to lock selected functions, so as to prevent the
patient from their activation with the wired controller or the ones in the side rails.
The central control panel enables the control of the following delivery table functions:
- lying surface height adjustment [6],
- backrest section inclination angle adjustment [1],
- thigh section inclination angle adjustment [3],
- inclination angle adjustment of the backrest and thigh sections (AUTOCONTOUR), [5],
- lying surface inclination angle adjustment [7],
- position "cardiac chair" [14],
- examination position [15],
- Fowler's position [16],
- Trendelenburg position [13],
- zero position [12].
To lock the table functions, use the knobs [2, 4, 8, 9].
The knob [2] locks the inclination angle adjustment of the backrest section. The knob [4] locks the
inclination angle adjustment of the thigh section. The knob [8] locks the height and tilting angle
adjustment of the lying surface. The knob [9] locks all the functions. When they are all locked, the
diode [10] is lit.
In order to lock the function, twist the proper knob right (its indicator should display the closed padlock
symbol). In order to unlock the function, twist the proper knob left (its indicator should display the open
padlock symbol). The buttons [11] are intended for the activation of the functions despite their being
locked with the knobs. So as to activate the function despite its being locked, push and hold down one
of the buttons [11] and button assigned to this function.