Serial Communication, cont’d
MLC 52 Series MediaLink Controller • Serial Communication
Follow these procedures to set up a new volume table:
Click the Volume Table button in the top section of the Advanced Projector
Config. tab. The volume table slide bars and buttons are displayed.
Volume Table fields on Advanced Projector Config. tab
In the Sends field, select the RS-232 radio button, if it is not already selected.
In the
Max step size
field, select the maximum number of bytes the steps to
increase/decrease the volume will be. (The default is 15 bytes.)
Max step size radio buttons
Always perform this step
you perform the rest of this procedure.
Once you begin making entries for the volume table, the Max step size field
is locked, and you are unable to change your selection.
Use the Total Steps slider to set the total number of volume adjustment steps
that will be in the volume table.
In the Bytes field below the Sends field, set the scroll bar for the number of
bytes that will be in the
step in your volume table.
In the example below, the number of bytes for the first step is set to 9. Note
that the large HEX and ASCII boxes both display nine byte representations.
The Current Step box below the slider displays
, indicating that Step 1 is
currently being programmed.
Bytes scroll bar
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