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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/12
5.3 Split Screen
Occasionally the need arises to display two different but related images. For example, a
game where the main play area requires rapid updates and game status displayed at the
bottom of the screen. The status area updates far less often than the main play area.
The Split Screen feature of the S1D13704 allows a programmer to setup a display for such
an application. The figure below illustrates setting a 320x240 panel to have Image 1
displaying from scan line 0 to scan line 199 and image 2 displaying from scan line 200 to
scan line 239. Although this example picks specific values, the split between image 1 and
image 2 can occur anywhere on the display.
Figure 5-4: 320x240 Single Panel For Split Screen
In split screen operation “Image 1" is taken from the display memory location pointed to
by the Screen 1 Start Address registers and always is located at the top of the screen. “Image
2" is taken from the display memory location pointed to by the Screen 2 Start Address
registers and begins after Screen 1 Vertical Size lines.
Scan Line 0
Image 1
Scan Line 199
Scan Line 200
Image 2
Scan Line 239
Screen 1 Vertical Size Registers = 199 lines