Epson Research and Development
Page 83
Vancouver Design Center
Hardware Functional Specification
Issue Date: 01/02/08
12.3 Comparison Between Default and Alternate SwivelView Modes
12.4 SwivelView Mode Limitations
The only limitation to using SwivelView mode on the S1D13705. is that split screen
operation is not supported.
Table 12-1: Default and Alternate SwivelView Mode Comparison
Default SwivelView Mode
Alternate SwivelView Mode
Memory Requirements
The width of the rotated image must be
a power of 2. In most cases, a virtual
image is required where the right-hand
side of the virtual image is unused and
memory is wasted. For example, a
160x240x8bpp image would normally
require only 38,400 bytes - possible
within the 40K byte address space, but
the virtual image is 256x240x8bpp
which needs 61,440 bytes - not
Does not require a virtual image.
Clock Requirements
CLK need only be as fast as the
required PCLK.
MCLK, and hence CLK, need to be 2x
PCLK. For example, if the panel requires a
3MHz PCLK, then CLK must be 6MHz.
Note that 25MHz is the maximum CLK, so
PCLK cannot be higher than 12.5MHz in
this mode.
Power Consumption
Lowest power consumption.
Higher than Default Mode.
Vertical panning in 2 line increments.
Vertical panning in 1 line increments.
Nominal performance.
Higher performance than Default Mode.