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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/12
seSetInit(int DevID)
Description: Configures the S1D13704 for operation. This function sets all the S1D13704 control
registers to their default values.
Initialization of the S1D13704 was made a stand-alone step to accommodate those
programs (e.g. 13704PLAY.EXE) which needed the ability to start and examine the
system before changing register contents.
Parameters: DevID
Return Value: ERR_OK
- operation completed with no problems
After this call the Look-Up Table will be set to a default state appropriate to the display
int seInitHal(void)
This function initializes variables used by the HAL library. Call this function once
when the application starts.
Normally, programmers will never need to call seInitHal(). On PC platforms, seReg-
isterDevice() automatically calls seInitHal(). Consecutive calls to seRegister-
Device() will not call seInitHal() again. On non-PC platforms the start-up code,
supplied by Seiko, will call seInitHal(). If support code for a new CPU platform is
written the programmer must ensure that seInitHAL() is called prior to calling other
HAL functions.
Parameters: None
Return Value: ERR_OK
- operation completed with no problems