Assembler as88 (5)
Main Tool Chain
Errors (E)
E 264: cannot evaluate: "
Could not evaluate the argument of a '%' or '?' operator
value depends on an
within a macro expansion.
unknown symbol
E 265: cannot evaluate argument of The arguments of the DUP directive could not be
dup (unknown or location
dependant symbols)
E 266:
dup argument must be
The argument of the DUP directive must be integral.
E 267:
dup needs a parameter
Check the syntax of the DUP directive.
E 268: ENDM without a
The assembler found an ENDM directive without an
corresponding MACRO or
corresponding MACRO or DUP definition.
DUP definition
E 269: ELSE without a
The assembler found an ELSE directive without an
corresponding IF
corresponding IF directive.
E 270: ENDIF without a
The assembler found an ENDIF directive without an
corresponding IF
corresponding IF directive.
E 271: missing corresponding
The assembler found an IF or ELSE directive without an
corresponding ENDIF directive.
E 272: label not permitted with this Some directives do not accept labels.
E 273: wrong number of arguments The function needs more or less arguments.
E 274: illegal argument for
function An argument has the wrong type.
E 275: expression not properly aligned
E 276: immediate value must be
The immediate operand of the instruction does only accept
value and value
values in the given range.
E 277: address must be between
The address operand is not in the range mentioned.
address and $address
E 278: operand must be an address The operand must be an address but has no address
E 279: address must be short
E 280: address must be short
The operand must be an address in the short range.
E 281: illegal option "
The assembler found an unknown or misspelled command
line option.
E 282: "Symbols:" part not found in The map file may be incomplete.
map file "
E 283: "Sections:" part not found in The map file may be incomplete.
map file "
E 284: module "
name" not found in The map file may be incomplete.
map file "
Error Messages
Errors (E)
E 243: use $OBJECT OFF or
E 244: unknown control "
The specified control does not exist.
E 246: ENDM within IF/ENDIF
The assembler found an ENDM directive within an
IF/ENDIF pair.
E 247: illegal condition code
The assembler encountered an illegal condition code
within an instruction.
E 248: cannot evaluate origin
All origins of absolute sections must be evaluated before
expression of org
creation of the object file.
name: address"
E 249: incorrect argument types
The supplied argument(s) evaluated to a different type
for function "
than expected.
E 250: tiof function not yet
The supplied object format function is not yet implemented.
implemented: "
E 251: @POS(,,
start) start
start argument is larger than the length of the string in
argument past end of string
the first parameter.
E 252: second definition of label
The label is defined twice in the same scope.
E 253: recursive definition of
The evaluation of the symbol depends on its own
symbol "
E 254: missing closing '>' in
The syntax checker missed the closing '>' bracket in the
include directive
INCLUDE directive.
E 255: could not open include file
The assembler could not open the given include-file.
E 256: integral divide by zero
The expression contains an divide by zero.
E 257: unterminated string
All strings must end on the same line as they are started.
E 258: unexpected characters after Spaces are not permitted between macro parameters.
macro parameters, possible
illegal white space
E 259: COMMENT directive not
This assembler does not permit the usage of the
permitted within a macro
COMMENT directive within MACRO/DUP definitions or
definition and conditional
IF/ELSE/ENDIF constructs.
E 260: definition of "
The macro definition is not terminated with an ENDM
unterminated, missing "endm" directive.
E 261: macro argument name may MACRO and DUP arguments may not start with an
not start with an '_'
E 262: cannot find "
Could not find a definition of the argument of a '%' or '?'
operator within a macro expansion.
E 263: cannot evaluate: "
The symbol used with a '%' or '?' operator within a macro
value is unknown at this point expansion has not been defined.