Envipco FLEX Dual Service Manual Download Page 103



Press and hold the button for at least ten seconds. The light will switch
from blinking rapidly to blinking slowly.


Release the switch.


The light should blink 5 times. Press the button three times. The sensor

should now blink two times.


The light stops blinking after about 15 seconds and then remains on.


Block the sensor, and the light should turn off.

Wenglor PET/Material Sensor Adjustment 

Use the following procedure to adjust a Wenglor 


sensor, so that it continues to correctly 




FIGURE 6-6. 

PET Emitter and Receiver Side View 


Enter Service Mode on the machine, and open the Diagnostic Program.


Click on the Ultra-48 tab, and change the “Show:” drop box to “Sensors.”


Find the 



sensor in the list. The sensor should always move to the top

of the list when it has been triggered on or off.


Press and hold the 



sensor “Teach Button for two (2) seconds. Refer

to Figure 6-6.


With the 



sensor not blocked, verify that the Diagnostic Program reports

that the 



sensor state is 




Insert a green 


 bottle in the sensor beam. Verify that the 



sensor state reads 




Insert a Glass bottle in the sensor beam. Verify that the 


 sensor state read Glass.


Exit the Diagnostic Program.

Proximity Sensors 

There are proximity sensors on the compactor and the Sorting Cylinder. On the compactor, the 

proximity sensor monitors the rotations per minute of the main gear. If the speed drops too low, 



Controller reports a stall. The proximity sensor on the Sorting Cylinder monitors its 

position and speed. 




Indicator Light

Switching Status Lights  

Teach Button  

Alignment Light 

Summary of Contents for FLEX Dual

Page 1: ...FLEX Series ServiceManual March 16 2016...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...2 1 4 Safety precautions 1 3 1 5 Safety labels 1 4 1 5 1 Laser safety 1 4 1 5 2 Electrical safety 1 7 1 5 3 Mechanical Safety 1 8 Chapter 2 Specifications 2 1 2 1 General Specifications 2 1 2 1 1 Seri...

Page 4: ...ing Cylinder 3 11 3 5 Compactors 3 13 3 5 1 PET Compactor 3 13 3 5 2 Can Compactor 3 14 3 5 3 Can PET Compactor 3 15 3 6 Bins 3 15 3 7 RVM Controller Box 3 16 3 7 1 RVM Controller Box Electrical Compo...

Page 5: ...VM Communications 4 21 4 6 1 Physical Connections 4 22 4 6 2 File Transfers 4 22 4 7 Software Theory of Operation 4 23 Chapter 5 Maintenance 5 1 5 1 Introduction 5 1 5 2 Maintenance Responsibilities 5...

Page 6: ...FLEX s Error Messages 6 1 6 3 VFD Status Messages 6 5 6 4 Troubleshooting Other Conditions 6 6 6 4 1 Display Not Functional 6 6 6 5 Repairs 6 6 6 5 1 Swapping an RVM Controller 6 6 6 5 2 Chain Replace...

Page 7: ...nveyor 3 7 Load Cell FLEX 3 9 Load Cell FLEX HDS 3 9 Camera Laser 3 10 Sorting Cylinder Front View 3 11 Sorting Cylinder Rear View 3 12 PET Compactor 3 13 Can Compactor 3 14 Can PET Compactor 3 15 RVM...

Page 8: ...iagnostics MainTab 4 9 Diagnostics Untra 48Tab 4 10 Diagnostics RS 485Tab 4 13 Diagnostics ConfigTab 4 14 MC1 Sensors 4 17 MC5 Sensors 4 18 Thresholds 4 20 Software Theory of Operation 4 23 Cleaning M...

Page 9: ...sibilityof Envipco and shouldonlybe performed byEnvipco or other authorizedmaintenance personnel 1 2 Symbols Used Warningsymbols indicatethelevelsof dangerinvolved with someof theproceduresdescribed i...

Page 10: ...Envipco of updates to the bar code table and requesting custom messages appearing on the LCD and printed vouchers Warning The sponsor along with the machine attendants and service technicians are resp...

Page 11: ...ered on Always followthe technical datawhen servicingthe electrical components Warning Mechanical componentsin the FLEX weigh up to 400 pounds Always useliftingdevices to removeor replacecomponents Wa...

Page 12: ...tion requires theinclusionof lasersafetyinformation and labels pursuant to 21 CFR Chapter1 SubchapterJ LaserProductPerformanceStandard Section 1040 10 h Thereis no possibilityof exposureto laserradiat...

Page 13: ...Laser Radiation When Open and Interlock Failed or Defeated AVOID DIRECT EYE EXPOSURE FIGURE 1 2 1 High Voltage Warning Label FIGURE 1 3 Safety LabelLocations DOOR INTERLOCK LABEL LASER DANGER LABEL FL...

Page 14: ...1 6 Chapter 1 Introduction Safety FLEX HDS LASER DANGER LABEL...

Page 15: ...lock switches off the power to the motors However the machine itself still has power The door interlock label in Figure 1 4 gives the appropriatecaution SeeFigure1 3 forthelocation of thedoorinterlock...

Page 16: ...AlwaysturntheCompactorMotorDisconnectSwitchto theOFF position beforeperformingserviceon the FLEX FIGURE 1 5 Compactor Motor DisconnectLabel 1 5 3 Mechanical Safety FLEX smovingpartscancauseinjuryifthe...

Page 17: ...ving Parts Warning LabelLocation Twopinch point labels warn that movingparts can injure yourhands Figure1 8 shows the pinch point label Figure1 9 shows wheretheselabels arelocated FIGURE 1 8 Pinch Poi...

Page 18: ...1 10 Chapter 1 Introduction Safety FIGURE 1 9 Pinch Point Keep Hands Away Label Locations Right Access Panel Left Access Panel FLEX DFF FLEX DFF GDS FLEX DFF FLEX DFF GDS 1 10...

Page 19: ...1 11 Safety labels Intake Conveyor Side Glass Diverter FLEX DFF GSD ONLY FLEX DFF FLEX DFF GDS FLEX HDS 1 11...




Page 23: ...1 Example SerialLabel FLEX model numbers follow thisscheme FLEX DFF Can and Plastic Machine with Flattener FLEX DFF GSD Can and Plastic Machine with Flattener Glass Soft Drop FLEX HDS Can and Plastic...

Page 24: ...2 2 FIGURE 2 2 FLEXConfiguration Receipt Chute Payment Button Display In Feed Commodity Storage...

Page 25: ...lastic up to 3L Aluminum up to 1L Plastic up to 3L Aluminum up to 1L Glass up to 1 3L Speed Up to 40 containersper minute Up to 40 containersper minute Up to 40 containersper minute Bin capacity 12oz...

Page 26: ...Thecustomerplacesthecontainerintothe In Feed with the bar code facing upwards 2 Theconveyormovesthecontainerintothemachine 3 As thecontainerpasses belowthescanners thescanners readthe barcode 4 While...

Page 27: ...d makes updates to the machines when necessary The FLEX also keeps track of the brands and number of containers that the machine processes Envipco s Data Accounting System DAS uses this data to pay th...

Page 28: ...Chapter 2 Specifications 2 6 Notes...

Page 29: ...e components of the FLEX Series See Figure 3 1 for a view of the main components of the FLEX and Figure 3 2 for a view of the main components of the FLEX HDS FIGURE 3 1 FLEX MainComponents AC Motor Co...

Page 30: ...3 2 Chapter 3 Hardware Components FIGURE 3 2 FLEX HDS MainComponents Door Removed AC Box not shown Sensors Display Compactor 1 Compactor 2 Printer Front Loading FLEX HDS RVM CONTROLLER AC Box Location...

Page 31: ...ditybins and doorinterlocksensors 3 2 1 Door Interlock Thedoorinterlock featurepreventsanyonefrom runningthecompactorwhileanycabinet dooris open The RVM detects open doors through the use of magneticr...

Page 32: ...ne theemitterandreceiverarelocatedtowardsthefrontofthe uppercabinet FLEX TRI and FLEX HDS Bin FullSensor In the FLEX TRI and FEX HDS thebin full sensoris an ultrasonicsensorthat is installedin thetop...

Page 33: ...rs arenot permitted to open thesideaccess panels Thebottomofeachcabinetfeaturesfourlevelersandfourcasters Therearcastersarefixed andthefront casters swivel 3 3 In feed Sensor Scanner The In feed Senso...

Page 34: ...4 Infeed Sensor Scanner Right SideView FIGURE 3 5 Infeed Sensor Scanner Tunnel Left SideView Display Retro Reflector 1 of 5 Light Curtain Sensor Sensor PET Emitter Sensor Clear material Sensor PET Rec...

Page 35: ...orized Conveyor The conveyorpulls thecontainerinto themachine As thecontainertravelson the conveyor the scannersattemptto readthebarcode Ifthebarcodeis on thebottom thescannerscannotseeit In thiscase...

Page 36: ...this information for sortingand to determine acceptanceor rejection 3 3 5 Load Cell Flex TheLoad Cell is mounted on the Intake Chute on the Flex When the container reaches the end of the conveyor it...

Page 37: ...Chapter 3 Hardware Components 3 8 FIGURE 3 7 Load Cell Flex FIGURE 3 8 Load Cell Flex HDS LOAD CELL LOAD CELL ASSEMBLY ULTRASONIC BIN FULL SENSORS SORTING CYLINDER 3 9...

Page 38: ...Sensor Load Cell Camera Laser 3 6 FIGURE 3 9 Camera Laser LASER LINE GENERATOR CAMERA RVM CONTROLLER 3 10...

Page 39: ...derneath the front of the conveyor belt detects whetherthe container is aluminum metal If the container is accepted the Sorting Cylinder assembly turns to push a containerinto a compactorafterthe conv...

Page 40: ...p with one of the plates the Sorting Cylinder is in the correct position to accept a container This positionisknownas the indexposition FIGURE 3 10 Sorting Cylinder RearView Note InFigure3 10 theSorti...

Page 41: ...speed of the rollers allowing the RVM controllerto calculatewhetherthereis a sorterjam 3 5 1 PET Compactor TheAC motorturnsthreeshafts one forthepaddlethat pulls thecontainersinto thecompaction chamb...

Page 42: ...hafts one forthepaddles that pull thecans into the compaction chamber and two fortherollersthat flatten thecans Thetwo rollers havea wavepatternstamped into them which effectivelyflattens thecans Figu...

Page 43: ...tside The AC motorturns threeshafts one for thepaddles that pull thecans into the compaction chamber and two fortherollers that flatten thecans Thetwo rollershavea wavepattern stampedinto them whichef...

Page 44: ...Components The RVM Controller Box contains electrical components that powerthe RVM electronics See Figure3 14 for anoverview FIGURE 3 14 RVM Controller Box ElectricalComponents Thesearethefunctions of...

Page 45: ...hutdown program The PC starts its shutdown program after ten seconds The shutdown process saves the RVM data so thereis not anylossof data 4 EvenafterthePC shuts down the batterystill provides powerto...

Page 46: ...t In Feed powerto theIn Feedrollersand conveyor VGA VGA graphicsconnectorforthedisplay USB Ports Thedisplayis connectedto eitheroftheseports and you can connect a keyboardto theother LASER Control Las...

Page 47: ...Chapter 3 Hardware Components 3 16 FIGURE 3 15 RVM Controller BoxConnectors 24V Printer Power Receipt Button Power Switch Sorting Cylinder DC POWER AND BUS 3 19...

Page 48: ...ox these items aredescribed in thesections below FIGURE 3 16 RVM Controller Box ElectronicComponents PC Board ThePC board is a Mini ITX circuit board that performsdataprocessing communications and als...

Page 49: ...inthe FLEX Therearetwo 2 oftheseboards MC5 and MD5 Fora detaileddiscussionofhowtheseboardsworkinconjunctionwiththeRVM software see Section SoftwareTheoryofOperation on page4 23 MC5 MD5 Boards These tw...

Page 50: ...RVM Controller Box 3 19 FIGURE 3 18 MC5 BoardLayout FIGURE 3 19 MD5 BoardLayout 3 22...

Page 51: ...yis a 10 4 inch VGA monitorwith touch screen When themachineis readyto accept containers it gives instructionsto theuser TheRVM mayalso be configuredto playvideo clips for the users When themachineis...

Page 52: ...hatithastwoVariableFrequencyDriveswith correspondingfuseblocks which controlthetwo compactormotors The MC1 Boardcontrols thesafetyinterlockandthe compactor it is housed inside the AC Motor Control box...

Page 53: ...MOTOR CONTROL BOX MC1 Board Enclosure Terminal Block Compactor Motor Disconnect Variable Frequency Drives Safety Loop Override Mechanical Counter Fuse Blocks for VFD Power Cord Compactor 230V 240V AC...

Page 54: ...in Figure3 21 3 8 2 Variable FrequencyDrive TheVariableFrequencyDrive VFD converts single phaseinput to three phaseoutput forthe compactormotor It varies the frequencyof output to governthespeed of t...

Page 55: ...essages on page6 5 3 8 3 Compactor 230V Three PhaseConnector This is theoutput forthe230V three phasepower The harnessthat providespowerto the compactor motor plugs into thisconnector 3 8 4 208 240V S...

Page 56: ...witch this to theoff position ittakes about 10 seconds forthe powerto drain from the VFD Thecompactormaystill be in motionduringthis timeframe In the FLEX HDS this switch removes power from both VFDs...

Page 57: ...3 26 Chapter 3 Hardware Components Notes...

Page 58: ......

Page 59: ...configured to require a PIN Once in this mode storepersonnel mayreviewmachineinformation re printa receipt and cleanthe In Feed conveyor ServiceMode This modestarts oncethetechnician logs into the RV...

Page 60: ...ianInterface givesquickaccessto themost commontasks DiagnosticProgram givesaccessto Actuators Sensors andThresholds Configurationeditor allowsadvancedusersto editthe RVM sconfiguration files 4 3 1 Sta...

Page 61: ...VM Each numberin Figure4 2 correspondsto thelist below 1 Download Q File This option saves the Q File to your jump drive When you tap this button you see the dialog box pictured in Figure4 3 Tapthe on...

Page 62: ...sking if you want to reset individual counts or all counts Once you choose an option you will see a confirmation message FIGURE 4 4 Reset Counts DialogBox 3 UploadBarcodes Usethis optionto search theJ...

Page 63: ...FIGURE 4 6 Service Mode Time optionis not yetimplemented optionstarts theDiagnosticProgram which is on page4 6 optionis not yetimplemented Mode ToexitServiceModewithdefaultlogin gototheMisctabandpress...

Page 64: ...yed through RS 485 port on the PC board errors Chapter 4 RVM Program you to test components and configurethe RVM Thetopics the DiagnosticProgram 4 7 gives an overviewof FLEX s softwareprocesses differ...

Page 65: ...arcode Port Resetsthe barcodescannerportofthe PC board 3 DisplayProcess Controlsthevideodisplay Thereareno optionsin thissection 4 PrinterProcess Controlstheprinter ReprintLast Reprintsthelast voucher...

Page 66: ...Bsticktobeusedasabackupstick DeleteALLdataandcounts Clearsallcountsforinstallationoncetestingiscompleted CameraDiagnostics Forusewithshapesystem Allows for calibration camera and laser line setup Refe...

Page 67: ...rmation FIGURE 4 9 Diagnostics MainTab Compactor Start Info Screen Conformation Start Button contains options fortheprocessescontrolledby the MC compactor s relays andlights Thedefaultscreenshowstheop...

Page 68: ...ear with abuttontorun thecompactor The compactor will start as soon as the button is pressed Stall Sensor Adjustment ClickontheboxinfrontofStallSensorAdjustment toactivatethisfeaturefortesting Onceact...

Page 69: ...heck Box Tab ServiceModebox to usetheactuatorbuttons 48actuators thebarcode scanners when the button is pressed and turns off the barcode scanners when the button is pressed again If a bottle is inser...

Page 70: ...4 12 Chapter 4 RVM Software FIGURE 4 11 Actuators Controlled by the MC5Board Right and Left Conveyor Belts SORTING CYLINDER Rear View...

Page 71: ...uses theRS 485 serial protocol On the MDB each client board MC1 and MC5 has a hexadecimalnumberassigned to it This tab allows you to DetectClients GetClientList Re Initializea Client Reconnect theMul...

Page 72: ...red in the RVM cfg directory YoucanusetheLoad Save andSaveAs buttonstoloadandsave configurations in otherlocations Toload a configurationfile tap on thedesiredfile and click theLoad button that is on...

Page 73: ...4 15 Edit ConfigurationEntry Toadd an entryto thefile clickon the fill in thefields forLabel Description File Entry ConfigurationFile and thenclickthe Edit button to theright Youwill 15 Forentries th...

Page 74: ...sefeatures in eachtab 4 5 1 Sensors When you switch to showthesensors you will seethe screenas shownin Figure4 16 As an example Figure4 16 shows all of thesensors controlledbytheMC1 Board SeeTable4 1...

Page 75: ...ortswhetherMC1 detectsan under voltageon the 24V circuit SAFETY_CUTOFF_24V ReportsOK ifallof theopen doorsensorsareclosed CIRCUIT_BREAKER_1 Compactor 1 tripstatus SAFETY_OVERRIDE Set when safetybypass...

Page 76: ...etbutton status ANALOG_INPUT_1 Optionalanaloginput Notcurrentlyin use COMPACTOR1_BLOCKED Compactor1 stallstatus as inferred byMC1 COMPACTOR1_PADDLE Compactor1 paddleblock as inferred byMC1 COMPACTOR1_...

Page 77: ...NPUT1 Reserved input _SENSOR_INPUT2 Reserved input _SENSOR_INPUT3 Reserved input _RESERVED_INPUT1 Reserved input _RESERVED_INPUT2 Reserved input STATE_IDLE RVMis ready no customerinteraction for moret...

Page 78: ...edinthe FIGURE 4 17 MC1 Thresholds Chapter 4 RVM tabs both have thresholds screens to adjust thresholds do so in either tab switch the Show Actuators button example Figure4 17showsthethresholdsscreenf...

Page 79: ...heel COMPACTOR2_PADDLE paddle sync time not used yet 20130222 COMPACTOR2_TIMEOUT compactor auto switch offduration COMPACTOR2_STARTTIME suppress blocked detection onstart COMPACTOR1_TO_FAST shortestal...

Page 80: ...can act as a sitecontroller Ifconnected by cellularmodem datatransfersoccurevenifoneormoreofthe RVMs cannotconnectat thetimeof datacollection and distribution If themachines areconnected bya land lin...

Page 81: ...simplified by this summary 1 TheRVM reachesits connectiontime It collectsQFilesandlogsfromallof the RVMs that it can connect with 2 Aftera certain wait time it packages all of thereceivedfilestogether...

Page 82: ...Process communicates with the touch screen display 3 PrinterProcess The PrinterProcess communicates with the HeconX56printer 4 HardwareProcess TheHardwareProcessdirectsalloftheotherhardwarein theRVM t...

Page 83: ...of Operation FIGURE 4 19 Circuit Board Locations Hard Drive Enclosure PC Board MD5 Board MC5 Board FLEX HDS AC MOTOR CONTROL BOX MC1 Board Enclosure FLEX RVM CONTROLLER REAR VIEW FRONT VIEW FLEX HDS...

Page 84: ...4 26 Chapter 4 RVM Software MC1 Board FLEX DFF FLEX DFF GDS AC MOTOR CONTROL BOX...

Page 85: ...4 27 Software Theory of Operation Notes...

Page 86: ...4 28 Chapter 4 RVM Software Notes...

Page 87: ...oblem and recommend correctiveactions Cleaningthemachineis veryimportant Dirtandsyrup arenot onlyunattractive buttheycan also interferewithmachineoperation Usehot waterto removedirt and melt thesyrup...

Page 88: ...vements that arepossible This not onlyhelps with futurePM but it also improvestheoverall appearance of themachine Note This chapter often instructs you to test components with the Diagnostic Program I...

Page 89: ...ofscratches wax thelens withcarnaubawax 4 Washthemetal portions of theexteriorwith a rag and hot soapywater Then rinseanddry Avoidwettingthepowercord and displayscreen Caution Do not spraycleaningsolu...

Page 90: ...eMisctab 3 TaponCalibrate 4 Follow the on screenprompts to press the green square starting in the upper left corner 5 3 6 Printer Followthesetips to keep theprinterin workingorder Keepthecoverclosed I...

Page 91: ...1 CleantheconveyorbeltsusingCleaningMode SeeSection5 3 1 Cleaning Mode on page5 2 Caution When cleaninga glass machine usecompressed airto removeglass dustfrom sensorlenses scannerwindows and reflect...

Page 92: ...on Useonlycomputerscreen cleaningwipes to clean thedisplay Regular soap may damageit Never spray cleaners on the display 10 Check thelight curtain harnessesto makesuretheyare secure Make sure the ligh...

Page 93: ...ecloth Then test them with the DiagnosticProgram Main Sensors 5 3 11 Scanners On each visit clean thescannerwindowswith ammoniafreeglass cleanerand a soft cloth Do not use anyother cleaneron the scann...

Page 94: ...5 8 Chapter 5 Maintenance Notes...

Page 95: ...ons If that fails replacetheRVMcontroller 9005 Hardware Init Cabinet not closed RVM not operational Close allDoors The RVM will not operate becausethesafetyinterlock is activated Adoorisopen orthe mag...

Page 96: ...ble Speed Drive for Compactor 2 went into over load and shut down the AC compactor power Ifthiserrorpersists theremaybea problem with the compactoror theAC motor 9018 Compactor 1 jammed RVM not operat...

Page 97: ...14 Bin full by count Call Staff Machine is configured to accept up to a certain number of containers before going into this state Empty the bins 9220 All bins full Call Staff Bin full sensors are bloc...

Page 98: ...Service Mode 9702 Feed Ctrl Error Elevator failed Contact Envipco Support In Feed elevator isn t working Check for jams Inspect the harnesses Test the In Feed Actuators with the Diagnostic Program Ult...

Page 99: ...Calibrate the sensor Test it with the DiagnosticProgram Ultra 48 Sensors 9713 Feed Ctrl Error ALU Sensor Contact Envipco Support The aluminum sensor failed Testit with the Diagnostic Program Ultra 48...

Page 100: ...blem First be sure that the displayis set to receiveVGA signal Press the input selection button until it is set to VGA Check that the data and power harnesses are secure If thepictureisoff center uset...

Page 101: ...rollerBox andremoveitfromthemachine 7 Install the existingharddriveintothenewRVMControllerBox 8 InstallnewRVM ControllerBox intothemachine 9 ConnectallofthedataandelectricalwirestothenewRVM Controller...

Page 102: ...n the proper position accordingtothechain sdirectionofrotation SeeFigure6 5 FIGURE 6 5 Master Link Clip Placement 6 5 3 Sensor Replacement Certain sensors need to be configured when you install them i...

Page 103: ...PET sensorinthelist The sensor should always move to the top of the list when it has been triggered on or off 4 Press and hold thePETsensor Teach Button for two 2 seconds Refer toFigure6 6 5 With the...

Page 104: ...Gainaccesstotheproximitysensormountedonthecompactor SeeTable6 2for thelocations 2 Disconnect the sensor from the cable or extension cable 3 Loosenthenutthatsecuresthesensor andthreadthesensoroutofthe...

Page 105: ...ainers to accept once the BF sensor is blocked 6 Full Sensor MainA the BF sensor located in the main cabinet or Left cabinet Bin Main B click to expand options This is the FLEX ALU right bin of the ma...

Page 106: ...Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Repairs Notes 6 12...

Page 107: ...Repairs Notes 6 13...

Page 108: ...Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Repairs Notes 6 14...

Page 109: ...Repairs Notes 6 15...

Page 110: ...Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Repairs Notes 6 16...

Page 111: ...Repairs Notes 6 17...

Page 112: ...Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Repairs Notes 6 18...

Page 113: ...Repairs Notes 6 19...

Page 114: ...Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Repairs Notes 6 20...
