System integration
System integration
Overview of device description files
Device master file (GSD)
The device master file contains a description of the properties of a PROFIBUS device, e.g.
the supported data transmission rates or the type and format of the digital information
sent to the PLC. The GSD files also include bitmap files. These files are required to
represent the measuring points in the graphics. The device master file and the
corresponding bitmaps are needed to configure a PROFIBUS-DP network.
File name
Every device is assigned an ID number by the PROFIBUS User Organization. The name of
the GSD file and related files is derived from this number. The Prosonic S FMU95 has the
ID number 154E (hex) = 5454 (dec).
The device master file is therefore: EH3x154E.gsd
Where to obtain the GSD files
• → use the search function under "Downloads".
• GSD library of the PROFIBUS User Organization (PNO):
• CD-ROM with all the GSD files for Hauser devices; Order No.: 50097200
Using the GSD files
The GSD files must be loaded into a specific subdirectory of the PROFIBUS DP
configuration software of the PLC.
Depending on the software used, the GSD files can be either copied to the program-specific
directory or imported into the database using an import function in the configuration
For details, please refer to the documentation of the configuration software used.
Additional settings
Instrument address
Selecting the instrument address
• An address must be assigned to each PROFIBUS device. The control system can only
recognize the device if the address is set correctly.
• Each address can only be assigned once in a PROFIBUS network.
• Valid device addresses are in the range from 0 to 126. All devices are delivered from the
factory with the address 126. This is set via the software.
• The address "126" configured at the factory can be used to check the function of the
device and connect it to an operating PROFIBUS system. This address must be changed
subsequently to add additional devices.