Operating options
Scroll symbols
Scroll list available
Is displayed if the picklist contains more options than can be shown on the display. All the
options in the list can be displayed by pressing
Navigation in the envelope curve display (select the "Cyclic" display format)
Move left
Move right
Zoom in
Zoom out
LED for operating state
Lit green
Normal operation; no errors detected
Flashes red
Warning: an error has been detected, but measurement continues. The reliability of the
measured value cannot be guaranteed.
Lit red
Alarm: an error has been detected. Measurement is interrupted. The measured value
adopts the value specified by the user ("Output on alarm").
No supply voltage.
Keys (soft key operation)
The current key function is indicated by soft key symbols above the key.
Moves the selection bar downwards in a picklist.
Moves the selection bar upwards in a picklist.
• Opens the selected submenu, parameter set or parameter.
• Confirms the edited parameter value.
Goes to the previous parameter set within the submenu.
Goes to the next parameter set within the submenu.
Selects the option in a picklist which is currently marked by the selection bar.
Increases the selected digit of an alphanumeric parameter.
Decreases the selected digit of an alphanumeric parameter.
• Opens the list of errors which are currently detected.
• If a warning is present, the symbol flashes.
• If an alarm is present, the symbol is displayed permanently.