EAOM-210 FLJ.eng / ver 0.0
Pages 98 / 132
Open :
This menu allows the user to load the registered configuration files to PC.
For example: Click 'Open' in File menu. Choose configuration file which includes operator
or technician parameters on Open Dialog Box. When user clicks 'Open' button on Open
Dialog Box parameters will be transferred to PC window.
Save :
This menu allows the user to save the parameters with a name defined by user.
For example: Click 'Save' in File menu. After choosing where to save the file, enter the file
name. When user clicks 'Save' button on Save Dialog Box, all parameters will be saved to
the file that user determine.
Preview :
This menu allows the user to preview the operator parameters, when the user to
come into the Operator Parameters section. It allows the user to preview the tech
parameters, when the user to come into the Technician Parameters section. It allows the
user to preview the Event Logs, when the user to come into the Events section.
Print :
This menu allows the user to print the parameters.
Exit :
With this menu user can exit from the EAOM-210 FLJ configuration
Window Menu
Toolbar on/off
This menu allows the user to choose language English or Turkish.
Program Menu
This menu allows load from EAOM-210 FLJ unit to PC or from PC to EAOM-210 FLJ unit the
parameters which used for data communication and SMS.
Configure Device Code & Connection Numbers & Modem Commands:
User can download or upload these parameters;
Serial Number (Gen-set name)
Device Code
Failure Phone Number 1 (Phone number where active call will be done when the
alarm occurs on the unit)
Failure Phone Number 2 (Phone number where active call will be done when the
alarm occurs on the unit)
Failure IP No 1 (IP address where active call will be done when the alarm occurs
on the unit)
Failure Port No 1 (Ethernet port where active call will be done when the alarm
occurs on the unit).
The value of this parameter must be the same as the
‘Port No’ in the Comm. Settings menu on the PC software.
Failure IP No 2 (IP address where active call will be done when the alarm occurs
on the unit)
Failure Port No 2 (Ethernet port where active call will be done when the alarm
occurs on the unit).
The value of this parameter must be the same as the
‘Port No’ in the Comm. Settings menu on the PC software.
Responsible Staff’s SMS Number for Failure Notifications (Mobile number where
active SMS will be sent)