EAOM-210 FLJ.eng / ver 0.0
Pages 107 / 132
Click “Comport Setting” in Setting menu. Then Comport Settings window is monitored.
And then change Comport Settings, Slave ID parameters and click OK button.
The value of above mentioned ‘Port’ must be the same as the Port No in the
Ethernet module on the unit.
: If the connection is established over modem or RS-232 port, connection can
be cut off with this selection.
Auto Calling
: The PC software will be done auto calling to the all registered locations via
Ethernet or Dial-up modem. Adjust the auto calling time please following steps;
Auto Calling Enable
: The auto calling feature is selected as active or passive.
Help Menu
This menu allows the user to get information about mention to used the program and
the menus in the program.
Click “About” in Help menu. It gives information about the PC software version and
MCU software version to the user.