Reference Manual
00809-0100-4772, Rev FA
March 2016
The L_TYPE parameter defines the relationship of the sensor measurement to the desired
output of the AI block. The relationship can be direct, indirect, or indirect square root.
Select direct when the desired output will be the same as the sensor measurement. This is
the most common configuration for the Vortex flow measurement. The Vortex meter is a
linear meter.
Select indirect when the desired output is a calculated measurement based on the sensor
measurement. The relationship between the sensor measurement and the calculated
measurement will be linear.
Indirect Square Root
Select indirect square root when the desired output is an inferred measurement based on
the sensor measurement and the relationship between the sensor measurement and the
inferred measurement is square root. Indirect square root should not be used with the
Vortex meter.
The XD_SCALE and OUT_SCALE each include three parameters: 0%, 100%, and engineering
units. Set these based on the L_TYPE:
L_TYPE is Direct
XD_Scale 0% = 0
XD_Scale 100% = desired upper range value
XD_Scale units = desired flow units. See
for supported engineering units.
XD_Scale units are written to transducer block units.
L_TYPE is Indirect
When an inferred measurement is made based on the sensor measurement, set the
XD_SCALE to represent the operating range that the sensor will see in the process.
Determine the inferred measurement values that correspond to the XD_SCALE 0 and 100%
points and set these for the OUT_SCALE.
Aotewell Ltd
Industry Automation