Reference Manual
00809-0200-4702, Rev CA
Section 5: Operation and Maintenance: Models 702DX22 and 702DX61
February 2013
Operation and Maintenance: Models 702DX22 and 702DX61
Diagnostic Button Screen 7.1: the
terminal voltage has dropped
below level of operating limit.
Replace the power module
(Part Number:
Diagnostic Button Screen 7.2: the
terminal voltage is below the
recommended operating range -
if this is a self-operated device,
the power module should be
replaced - for line powered
devices, the supply voltage
should be increased
Diagnostic Button Screen 8: the
device cannot retrieve
information from the radio in the
device - the device may still be
operational and publishing HART
Diagnostic Button Screen 9.1:
configuration of the transmitter is
invalid such that critical operation
of the device may be affected -
check the extended configuration
status to identify which
configuration item(s) need to be
Diagnostic Button Screen 9.2:
configuration of the transmitter is
invalid such that non-critical
operation of the device may be
affected - check the extended
configuration status to identify
which configuration item(s) need
to be corrected
s u p l y
f a i l u r
s u p l y
l o w
r a d i o
f a i l u r
c o n f g
f a i l u r
c o n f g
w a r n