User Manual
Section 4
May 2021
Detailed Descriptions of the Fieldbus Network Adapters
Example: Module 3 starts at address 0xC200..
0x97FF Process Data Outputs
For each module a data length of 64 bytes (32 registers) is reserved.
Example: Module 3 starts at address 0x9040.
0xA7FF Diagnostics
For each module a diagnostics data length of 64 bytes (32 registers) is reserved.
Example: Module 3 starts at address 0xA040.
In case of a diagnostics message, the 47 bytes of the module diagnosis are entered here
from the corresponding tables (see the table of diagnostic data in the corresponding
module description in the module chapter).
If a 1 is set in register 0x1134, reading out the corresponding diagnosis results in a
confirmation of the alarm.
0xB7FF Process Alarms
For each module a process alarm data length of 64 bytes (32 registers) is reserved.
Example: Module 3 starts at address 0xB040.
In case of a process alarm, the 4 bytes of the module are entered here from the
corresponding table (see the table of process alarms in the corresponding module
description in the module chapter).
0xFFFF Parameters
For each module a parameter data length of 256 registers is reserved. Example: Module 3
starts with address 0xC200. The modules can be parametrized via the web server (refer to
Section 9:, Web Server) or via the Modbus master.
One register is assigned to each module parameter with a size of max. 16 bits. 32-bit
parameters use two consecutive registers (consider Motorola format!). The sequence of
parameters as well as the optional values are listed in the parameter tables of the individual
module descriptions (refer to Section 6: Installation).
Example: Parameter 8 of module 3 has the address 0xC207 (provided that, there is no 32-
bit parameter prior to it in the same module). Examples for 32-
bit parameters are “Period
of the pulse width modulation modules and „End value“ of the counter modules.
This Section contains detailed descriptions and technical specification of the various RSTi-
EP modules.