Instruction Booklet
Effective January 2021
Reduced Voltage Soft-Starter
User Manual
RTC Time Hours
Real Time Clock Time hours
RTC Time Minutes
Real Time Clock Time minutes
RTC Time Seconds
Real Time Clock Time Hours
Modbus Address
Modbus Address for the Base Control Module's RS-485 port. The address is loaded at
startup. A power cycle is required for a change of address to take effect.
Modbus Baud Rate
Selects the Modbus Baud Rate for the Base Control Module's RS-485 Modbus port. A
power cycle is required for a change in baud rate to take effect.
0 = 19200
1 = 9600
2 = 38400
3 = 57600
4 = 115200
Modbus Port TX Mode
Selects the RTU/ASCII Modbus mode for the Base Control Module's Modbus port.
0 = RTU Tx Mode (8 data bits)
1 = ASCII Tx Mode (7 data bits)
Modbus Parity and Stop Bits
Selects the Modbus Parity and Stop Bits for the Base Control Module's Modbus port.
A power cycle is required for a change to take effect. Note: No Parity, 1 stop bit is not
valid when in MODBUS_ASCII_TX_MODE mode.
0 = Even parity - 1 Stop bit
1 = Odd parity - 1 Stop bit
2 = No parity - 2 Stop bits
3 = Even parity - 2 Stop bits
4 = Odd parity - 2 Stop bits
5 = No parity - 1 Stop bits
Modbus Timeout
The time before Modbus communications are considered lost. Every valid message
received will reset this timer. The timeout is in milliseconds. When this timer expires,
communication loss behavior will be triggered. A value of zero (0) will disable the
communication timeout.
Basic Settings
Present IP Address
The Active IP Address being used on the Network
Present Subnet Mask
The Active Subnet Mask IP Address being used on the Network
Present Gateway
The Active Default Gateway IP Address being used on the Network
Stored IP Address
The IP address used in the NV address select configuration. The DIP switch settings
on the Base Control Module determine if a static IP address of 192.168.1.X, where X
= the value on the DIP switch settings, is used, or if DHCP is used or if the IP address
stored at this parameter is used. To use this IP address, enter an IP address for this
parameter, power down the C445, set the DIP switches for the NVMEM, and when
the unit is powered again, the C445 Ethernet module will be using this address.
Stored Subnet Mask
The IP subnet mask used in the NV address select configuration. If the DIP switches
on the Base Control Module are set for NVMEM, this IP subnet mask will take effect
following a power cycle.
Stored Gateway
The IP default gateway used in the NV address select configuration.
Method of IP Allocation
Allows setting of the method used to set an IP address.
0 = Restore (
1 = DHCP.
2 = Full address from NV Memory.
3 = Upper three octets from NV and lower octet selected by the DIP switch setting.
Ethernet MAC Address
Unique MAC address assigned to this device (the Ethernet card)
Advanced Settings
IP Conflict Detection Enable
Address Conflict Detection enable. ACD provides protection from duplicate IP
addresses on the network.
0 = Disable ACD
1 = Enable ACD