01/2018 Rev. 1
3. Disassembly and Assembly
39. Disengage all gears, putting them in neutral position.
40. Remove retaining roll pin from shift and selection block.
41. Remove the main shift rail, by pulling it up. As an option,
use the tool EEA-17140.
NOTE: Be careful when removing the shift rail as
the gear selector block, selection lever and the shift
block will come out of the rail when it is pulled up.
Hold the blocks to prevent them from falling as the
shift rail is being removed.
42. With a pin punch, remove two roll pins from the reverse
shift yoke.
43. Remove the reverse shift yoke together with the reverse
sliding clutch.
44. Install the eye bolt EEA-17505 into the threaded bore
at the end of mainshaft, for lifting shafts and shift rails
NOTE: Using a Hellerman-type strap (1) or wire,
tie the shafts and shift rails assembly so that they
do not come loose during its removal from the front
transmission case (see figure).
Transmission Disassembly