01/2018 Rev. 1
3. Disassembly and Assembly
3. Disassembly and Assembly
The section “General Information” contains important
information and specifications to be used when servicing
the transmission.
When disassembling, inspect all components for wear
or any other damage.
During disassembly and assembly, replace any part
when required.
: Whenever you use a vise to secure
transmission components during service, for
example shafts, gears, etc., protect the jaws
with an aluminum angle or other soft material to
prevent damage to the part.
During assembly, lubricate the following parts using the
same lubricant specified for the transmission:
Mainshaft gears and reverse idle gear bores, faces
and cones;
Contact surfaces of synchronizer rings, cones and
friction surfaces;
Needle bearings and conical bearings;
Thrust surfaces, bearing bushings.
During assembly, constantly check the transmission
(horizontally) to ensure that gears and synchronizers
are rotating smoothly and freely.
Apply petroleum jelly onto oil seal lips.