e 82
9.8 After inserting the add-e NE
T battery, the LEDs
pulsate in blue – communication between battery &
drive unit is not established
After the battery is locked in the holder,
the LEDs on the battery indicator pul-
sate in blue. When the communication
between the add-e NE
T battery and the
drive unit has been established, the start
melody sounds, and the LEDs change to
the colour of batteries charging status.
If the add-e NE
T battery does not
change colour after being inserted, it
means that there is no communication
between the battery and the drive unit.
This may be the case after an add-e NE
battery upgrade since the latest version of
the software is required to establish com-
munication between the battery and the
drive unit. The latest software can be found
on the website under Installation or Down-
loads. For information on how to perform a
software update, s
ee p. 67 onwards –
add-e NE
T software update
If the LEDs on the add-e NE
T battery
continue to pulsate in blue despite having
installed the latest software and no com-
munication can be established with the
drive unit, contact your specialist retailer
or add-e Support.
LEDs pulsate in blue