9. I cannot login via web
There are two conditions:
Network connection failure
Check your DVR and PC connections are correct. Please check DVR IP address,
network cable and Gateway address. Use ping facility to check PC can see DVR.
Invalid password or username. Please check correct username and password have
been specified.
10. When I first connect to the server video quality is poor.
If the image returns to normal in five seconds, effect is normal.
11. What peripheral equipment DVR can work with?
This DVR supports equipment such as keyboards, alarm input and output equipment
and alarm servers and access control systems.
12. Abnormal Video Output
If video output is abnormal when switching between monitor and VGA mode, quit
menu, press shift up arrow key or Fn keys for three seconds to switch video modes.
13. Why cannot I enable audio?
In order to highlight the audio enable box it is necessary to ensure that the Encode
menu Compression parameter is set from blank to H264.
14. My television screen is loosing some of the page display
The can be accommodated by entering the TV Adjust screen in the Advanced Menu
and using the Top, Bottom, Left and Right adjustment controls.
15. Why can’
t I initiate a PTZ tour using the Web browser software?
First go to the PTZ settings menu via the DVR and ensure the correct channel, ID
number, Protocol and Baud rate are setup. To setup a tour do not tick the tour box.
Move camera to first preset position and then click preset and select 01. Then move to
next position and set preset 02 and so on. Now use the PTZ manual supplied to
provide the preset/call code to start the tour. e.g for PTZ300 range set 51 Preset. You
can also select the on-screen display menus by entering the relevant preset/call value.
16. The police require DVD evidence. Will it contain the Player Software?
The player software is written to a DVD media automatically if the DVR has an
internal DVD Writer installed or to a Memory Stick.
Slight differences may be found in user interfaces subject to level of machine
software installed. All the designs and software here are subject to change
without prior written notice. Please visit our website for more information.