3.4 Mouse Control
*Refer to right hand column for examples of mouse operations
This DVR is controlled by front panel, remote controller and USB mouse. Connect
USB mouse to the USB port on DVR, and start mouse operation.
User & Password displays if user has not logged in. Enter main
menu under realtime monitoring mode.
Click menu icon to enter
Execute operation
Change status of check box and motion detection area
Numeric and alpha upper and lower
case input and Chinese optional
Click the relative icon to finish input:
click X to reset and press
confirm input or close input panel.
Click Left key
of the mouse
Pop up drop down frame
Execute special operation i.e double click the specific record in
record list to start playback
Double click
left mouse key
Switch between full screen and multi-screen
Shortcut menu popup under realtime monitoring: Multi-screen
(related to number of channels supported: single screen/four screen
for 4 channel DVR), PTZ control (if
protocol correctly set up), image
colour, record search, manual record,
alarm input, alarm output, main menu
PTZ control and image colour setup
under corresponding channel screen
Cancel the setup and exit
Increase or decrease numeric value
Switch between options in combo box
Page up and page down
Cursor moving Cursor moving
Motion detection area selection
Area covering selection
Click right
mouse key