4.5 PTZ and Image colour control
Pan/Tilt/Zoom Menu settings
Access the PTZ Control menu and set the following:
Channel : select channel number
Protocol : select protocol to be used by PTZ. (PELCO-D1 is widely used)
Address : set ID selected in PTZ head. The PTZ will normally be set to address 1.
This will require changing if more than one PTZ used in this system.
Baud rate: Normally set at 2400 baud for PELCO-D1.
Data Bits: 8 (standard setting – do not change)
Stop Bits: 1 (standard setting – do not change)
Parity: None (standard setting – do not change)
Press Save and then press Fn to set PTZ control in single window mode.
Press Fn
1. Fn
In single monitor mode, press Fn to enter
menu PTZ and Color Setting
Set directions (up, down, left, right (mouse or panel
button), top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right
(only mouse))
ZOOM (zoom in (or click
) /out (or
), focus (“- “ or click |
“+” or click
| ), IRIS (“ – “ or click ||
“+” or click
| | ), step
(range from 1 ~ 8), when you click “set” and enter sub-
menu, to set prearrange points; auto cruise; border
colour setting
you can set or change hue,
brightness, contrast, saturation and gain in a
specified period of time.
You must select one period of 24 hours.
*Please switch to camera input video to operate*
In single monitor mode, press FN to select
“PTZ control” and “Image Colour”.
PTZ Control
Ensure DVR PTZ menu settings agree with
settings in PTZ head. The PTZ head will
have a protocol, baud rate and ID address
normally set by dipswitches. The ID must be
unique for each PTZ controlled. Also ensure
that the RS485 A & B lines are correctly
connected from PTZ to DVR.