8. FAQ
1. Can
his system run in windows 98?
Yes but you will need to install DIRECTX 7.0 or higher first. Note that performance
on an older type PC may be degraded. Note that SightBoss must be run on Windows
2000 or XP and there are restrictions using Vista (see SightBoss manual.)
2. System cannot detect hard disk.
First check serial data cable and power cord are correctly connected inside DVR.
3. I cannot use Schedule record function.
Please note the recording time unit takes one day as a working unit i.e.: from 0000hrs
to 2400hrs. Do not overlap recording slot times and only setup slots within the same
2400 hour period. For example setting 22:00 ~ 06:00 motion detect and 06:00 ~
22:00 continuous recording is set as follows:
Timeslot 1 00:00 ~ 05:59 highlight Motion Detect column
Timeslot 2 06:00 ~ 22:00 highlight Regular column
Timeslot 3 22:01 ~ 24:00 highlight Motion Detect column
4. Record light is flashing during the whole recording procedure.
Check the external video input signal. This problem usually happens when the
inputting signal is not standard. Sometimes the reading speed of the Hard Drive is too
slow. In this situation, you will need to change the hard drive.
5. My DVR is very hot, is there any problem?
The DVR365 does generate considerable heat. It is very important that the
environment where the unit is installed is dry and free from dust. Always ensure the
unit is installed in a well-ventilated position and that air vents are not covered.
6. I cannot see video signal on one channel while the other channels are ok
Check the video cable connection. Connect the camera video cable direct to the
monitor to test. If there is still no signal, there may be a problem with the camera,
power supply or video cable.
7. I cannot use my remote controller.
Check ACT light on the front panel is on or not.
ATC light is on:
You need to change you remote controller battery.
Act light is off:
Please move remote controller directly to the DVR, and then press address button.
System displays address input dialogue box. Please input you remote address (default
value is 008). When ACT light is on, you can use it.
8. I cannot control PTZ or dome
Check RS485 connections are correctly connected.
Check system setup. Please refer to 5.3.3 pan-tilt setup.
Protocol and Baud Rate must agree with physical PTZ setup.