Il Suo motociclo è stato concepito per percorrere
lunghi tratti a pieno carico in assoluta sicurezza.
La sistemazione dei pesi sulla moto è molto
importante per mantenere inalterati questi
standard di sicurezza e per evitare di trovarsi in
difficoltà quando si eseguono manovre repentine
o nel percorrere tratti di strada sconnessa.
Informazioni sul carico trasportabile
Il peso complessivo del motociclo in ordine di
marcia con conducente, passeggero, bagaglio e
accessori addizionali non deve superare i 370 Kg.
Cercate di disporre il bagaglio o gli accessori più
pesanti in posizione quanto più bassa possibile e
possibilmente al centro del motociclo.
Fissate saldamente il bagaglio alle strutture della
moto: un bagaglio non fissato correttamente può
rendere il motociclo instabile.
Non fissate elementi voluminosi e pesanti sul
manubrio o sul parafango anteriore in quanto
causerebbero una pericolosa instabilità del
Non inserite parti da trasportare negli interspazi
del telaio in quanto potrebbero interferire con le
parti in movimento del veicolo.
Verificate che i pneumatici siano gonfiati alla
pressione indicata nell’apposita tabella (vedi pag.
94) e che risultino in buone condizioni.
Your motorcycle is designed for long-distance
riding, carrying the maximum load allowed in full
Even weight distribution is critical to preserving
these safety features and avoiding trouble when
performing sudden manoeuvres or riding on
bumpy roads.
Information about carrying capacity
The total weight of the motorcycle in running
order including rider, pillion passenger, luggage
and additional accessories should not exceed
370 Kg/815.71 lb.
Try to arrange your luggage or heavy accessories
in the lowest possible position and close to
motorcycle centre.
Be sure to secure the luggage to the supports
provided on the motorcycle as firmly as possible.
Improperly secured luggage may affect stability.
Never fix bulky or heavy objects to the handlebar
or to the front mud guard as this would affect
stability and cause danger.
Do not insert any objects you may need to carry
into the gaps of the frame as these may foul
moving parts.
Make sure the tyres are inflated to the proper
pressure indicated in the relevant table (see page
94) and that they are in good condition.
Votre motocycle a été conçu pour parcourir de
longues distances à pleine charge, en toute
La répartition des poids sur la moto est très
importante afin de maintenir inchangés les
niveaux de sécurité et d’éviter de se trouver en
difficulté lors de manoeuvres rapides et
soudaines ou en parcourant des chaussées
Renseignements sur la charge
Le poids total du motocycle en ordre de marche
avec pilote, passager, bagage, et accessoires
ultérieurs, ne doit pas dépasser 370 Kg.
Tachez de placer les bagages ou les accessoires
les plus lourds dans une position aussi basse que
possible et autant que possible au centre du
Fixez solidement le bagage aux structures de la
moto: un bagage mal fixé peut rendre le
motocycle instable.
Ne fixez pas des éléments volumineux et lourds
sur le guidon ni sur le garde-boue avant, puisque
cela causerait une instabilité dangereuse du
N’insérez pas d’éléments à transporter à
l’intérieur des espaces du cadre, car ils
pourraient interférer avec les organes en
mouvements du véhicule.
Veiller à ce que les pneus soient gonflés á la
pression indiquée sur le tableau correspondant
(voir page 94) ainsi que leur bon état.
26-10-2009, 10:37
Summary of Contents for Monster 600
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Page 9: ...9 mario ents maire tsverzeichnis 26 10 2009 10 37...
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Page 15: ...15 azioni generali ral ations g n rales meine Hinweise 26 10 2009 10 37...
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Page 27: ...27 fig 1 2 fig 1 1 fig 1 2 600 750 900 26 10 2009 10 37...
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Page 31: ...31 andi per la guida ols mandes pour la conduite teuerungen 26 10 2009 10 37...
Page 33: ...33 fig 2 1 4 3 5 9 10 2 6 7 8 26 10 2009 10 37...
Page 35: ...35 fig 3 6 7 5 4 8 3 2 b a c 1 26 10 2009 10 37...
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Page 39: ...39 fig 4 1 fig 4 2 A B C D 26 10 2009 10 37...
Page 41: ...41 fig 5 A E B C D 26 10 2009 10 37...
Page 43: ...43 fig 6 1 1 2 fig 6 2 fig 6 1 F 1 900 F 600 750 26 10 2009 10 37...
Page 45: ...45 fig 7 G H 26 10 2009 10 37...
Page 47: ...47 fig 8 L M 600 750 900 M 1 L fig 8 26 10 2009 10 37...
Page 49: ...49 fig 9 1 fig 9 1 P fig 9 2 5 4 3 2 1 N 600 750 5 6 4 3 2 1 N 900 26 10 2009 10 37...
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Page 53: ...53 6 7 10 4 5 10 11 7 12 8 2 3 9 1 fig 10 26 10 2009 10 37...
Page 55: ...55 fig 11 1 4 0 OPEN A 26 10 2009 10 37...
Page 57: ...57 A fig 12 26 10 2009 10 38...
Page 59: ...59 fig 13 A 26 10 2009 10 38...
Page 61: ...61 fig 14 2 fig 14 1 A B 900 C 900 26 10 2009 10 38...
Page 63: ...63 fig 14 3 1 900 B 26 10 2009 10 38...
Page 65: ...65 fig 15 2 S H 1 2 26 10 2009 10 38...
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Page 69: ...69 fig 16 fig 16 E I A A A A E I 750 900 26 10 2009 10 38...
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Page 73: ...73 teristiche tecniche nical data ct ristiques techniques nische Daten 26 10 2009 10 38...
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Page 77: ...77 fig 17 2 fig 17 1 1 5 7 8 2 3 4 6 A B 26 10 2009 10 38...
Page 79: ...79 1 2 3 6 5 4 fig 18 2 fig 18 1 fig 18 3 26 10 2009 10 38...
Page 81: ...81 fig 19 26 10 2009 10 38...
Page 83: ...83 fig 20 fig 20 600 750 900 26 10 2009 10 38...
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Page 99: ...99 fig 20 1 S 26 10 2009 10 38...
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Page 125: ...125 e d uso tions for use e d emploi auchsnormen 26 10 2009 10 38...
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Page 135: ...135 fig 25 3 fig 25 1 ON G H fig 25 2 26 10 2009 10 39...
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Page 149: ...149 fig 26 1 MAX LEVEL fig 26 2 26 10 2009 10 39...
Page 151: ...151 fig 27 26 10 2009 10 39...
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Page 153: ...153 tenzione tenance tien ndhaltung 26 10 2009 10 39...
Page 155: ...155 fig 28 1 fig 28 2 1 2 3 A B 26 10 2009 10 39...
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Page 169: ...169 fig 29 1 1 2 fig 29 2 26 10 2009 10 39...
Page 171: ...171 fig 30 fig 30 600 750 900 26 10 2009 10 39...
Page 173: ...173 fig 31 fig 31 4 3 1 2 650 750 900 3 1 2 4 26 10 2009 10 39...
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Page 179: ...179 1 2 fig 32 26 10 2009 10 39...
Page 181: ...181 fig 33 2 fig 34 0 6 mm fig 33 1 2 4 mm 1 26 10 2009 10 39...
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Page 185: ...185 MAX MIN 600 750 MIN MIN MAX MIN 900 fig 35 fig 35 fig 35 26 10 2009 10 39...
Page 187: ...187 fig 36 yyyyyyy yyyyyyy yyyyyyy yyyyyyy 600 750 1 2 900 1 2 fig 36 26 10 2009 10 39...
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Page 191: ...191 yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy MIN fig 37 1 1 mm fig 37 2 26 10 2009 10 40...
Page 193: ...193 fig 38 1 20 25 mm 1 2 fig 38 2 26 10 2009 10 40...
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Page 197: ...197 fig 39 A 26 10 2009 10 40...
Page 199: ...199 1 2 fig 40 26 10 2009 10 40...
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Page 203: ...203 A 2 B 1 fig 41 26 10 2009 10 40...
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Page 207: ...207 1 fig 42 1 fig 42 2 2 3 26 10 2009 10 40...
Page 209: ...209 fig 42 3 4 3 26 10 2009 10 40...
Page 211: ...211 fig 43 2 1 A 2 3 26 10 2009 10 40...
Page 213: ...213 fig 44 A 1 3 2 fig 45 26 10 2009 10 40...
Page 215: ...215 fig 46 1 fig 46 2 10 m 9 10 x x 1 26 10 2009 10 40...
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Page 231: ...231 fig 48 1 fig 48 1 fig 48 1 fig 48 1 1 4 3 2 ALLINEARE 3 4 5 26 10 2009 10 40...
Page 233: ...233 A PERTURA B 2 3 1 3 CHIUSURA A A B fig 49 1 fig 49 2 fig 49 3 fig 49 4 26 10 2009 10 40...
Page 235: ...235 B B 4 6 fig 50 2 fig 50 4 fig 50 3 fig 50 1 26 10 2009 10 40...
Page 237: ...237 4 B 7 7 B fig 51 2 fig 51 1 fig 51 3 26 10 2009 10 40...
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