receives the signal from the command station through the track, decodes it and
tells the loco what to do. Mobile decoders can also include function control,
speed stabilization (back emf), transponding and other features.
Decoders, Stationary (Accessory or turnout):
the electronic device for the
turnouts or other accessories that receives the signal from the command station
through the track, decodes it and tells the turnout/accessory what to do.
Decoder Status:
the Digitrax command station assigns each decoder a status
based on whether it is new to the system, in-use on a throttle, common in the
system and available for selection or idle. The decoder status determines how
the system treats that address.
Direct Home Wiring:
A wiring system in which the DCC booster powers each
rail through an individual conductor or wire. Each booster is wired to its own
power district and there is no common connection between boosters. Digitrax
strongly recommends direct home wiring.
Direct Programming:
A type of service mode programming.
Directional Lighting:
loco lights can be set up to automatically change so that
the forward lamp is lit when the loco is moving forward and the reverse lamp
is lit when moving in reverse.
use your DT throttle to set up a loco or consist you want to be
run by another operator and then using a couple of keystrokes, dispatch the
loco from the DT throttle and acquire it on the other throttle.
Duplex Transceiver.
two way radio operation allows a duplex equipped throt-
tle to send and receive information to the command station via a radio
transceiver while not plugged in to the LocoNet.
EPF or Extended Packet Format:
an extension of the baseline DCC format
that allows us to use four digit addressing and other expanded decoder features.
Shorthand for Function
Shorthand for Function 0. F0 is two functions in one. F0 Forward con-
trols the white function lead and F0 Reverse controls the yellow function lead.
Digitrax ships all decoders set up for automatically reversing head/tail lights
using F0 Fwd and F0 Rev. These can be programmed to operate separately and
be controlled by the operator if you do not want automatic operation.
: F1 is usually used to operate the bell if sound is being used.
F2 is a special key set up to act as a momentary function key. When you