Address Range:
Analog address range is 00. 2 digit address range is 01-127, 4
digit address range is 0128-9983.
Advanced (EPF) Consisting Method:
consist information is stored in each
decoder. Locos can be added to and deleted from the consist in any orienta-
tion. This method requires that all locomotives in the consist be equipped with
decoders that support this feature (EPF decoders). This method lets you set up
a consist that is “transportable” from one layout to another. The problem is
that you must be sure to put the locos back on the track in the same order and
orientation you programmed them for or you can get some unexpected results.
Advanced Mode (28 Speed Step Mode
): the motor voltage/speed curve of the
DCC loco from stop to full speed has 28 discrete speed steps. This means that
speed control will be limited to 28 steps. 28 speed step mode gives fine speed
control. Increasing to 128 speed step operation will give a significant improve-
ment in speed control, especially at very slow speeds needed for prototypical
switching operations. Advanced mode is offered in most command stations
because there are decoders on the market that are not capable of 128 step mode
Analog Loco:
A locomotive operating on a DCC layout without a DCC
decoder installed. Also called a Conventional Loco.
Analog Mode Conversion:
When a Digitrax decoder does not see DCC pack-
ets on the layout it changes automatically to DC operation. Not all DCC sys-
tems support this feature so you may have to program non-Digitrax decoders to
operate on analog layouts. Automatic analog mode conversion can be disabled
by programming CV29.
a feature of Digitrax boosters that allows a train to enter and
exit reversing sections automatically without the need for the operator to throw
a switch to match track polarities on either side of the reversing section.
Ballast Lamp
: For use as a buffer between DC and DCC track sections, a bal-
last lamp is connected across one of the double gaps separating the two track
sections. For most model railroad applications a 12 volt automobile brake
lamp wired in series is used for this purpose.
Basic Consisting Method:
Program all the locomotives in a consist to the
same address and run them on one throttle. In this case all the locos must be
running in the same direction unless you have set up normal direction of travel
as reverse or have rewired the motor on locos that you want to run “back-
wards” in the consist.
Boosters receive the control signal from the Command Station, ampli-