5.3 Network Speed
Is faster network speed better? Not necessarily, it depends on whether the system
uses event driven or polled architecture. The NMRA’s track control packet for-
mat sets the “speed limit” for all DCC systems. Going faster than the “speed
limit” won’t make a system work any better and causes problems on the network.
LocoNet is engineered for the lowest speed that will get the job done. Because
LocoNet is event driven, slower network speeds are possible. With slower net-
work speed, signal distortion on the network is not a problem. Because
LocoNet uses a slower network speed, it’s free-form wiring scheme is simple
and flexible. With LocoNet you can “branch” or “tee” anywhere in your net-
work wiring and no termination is needed.
Polled systems generally have to go a lot faster than the “speed limit” to
accommodate the large amount of traffic generated by polling and to prevent
delays between the time a command is issued by the throttle and the time the
system executes the command. The big problem is that as the network speed
increases, so does signal distortion. Polled systems generally use linear termi-
nated bus wiring to solve this problem. Free-form wiring like LocoNet is not
usually possible with polled systems.
5.4 LocoNet Personal edition
LocoNet Personal Edition is available to all model railroaders through our web
site. This edition of LocoNet is available so that you can develop your own
personal LocoNet applications.
5.5 LocoNet expansion
The following figure shows some of the expansion possibilities available with
LocoNet. This figure is an extension of the Super Empire Builder Xtra in
Section 1.0. With LocoNet you can add:
• More boosters to give you more power to let you run more trains,
• More throttles for more operators,
• Different types of throttles,
• More throttle jacks for convenient walkaround operation,
• Infrared or radio capability for more freedom for operators,
• Accessory decoders for turnout and accessory control,
• Detection,
• Transponding,
• Signaling,
• A personal computer to automate operations or for dispatching,
• Automatic reversing with a booster or power manager,
• The list goes on and on.
With LocoNet, you customize your layout to run the way you want it to run!