3. To change the status of the decoder simply press the
key the flashing
will change to
and the current status code of the address will be dis-
played. Use either
knob to scroll through the status codes shown
in the table above.
4. Once the status code you want to use for the address is displayed in the
text area of display, press the
key to change the status code of the
locomotive and to select it to run on the active throttle knob.
5. If the loco address is in-use on another throttle or in a consist when you
press the
key to complete the status edit process and select the loco
on the active throttle, the DT402 will prompt you to
. If you want
to steal the address, press the
Y / +
key to complete the status edit. If the
loco is part of a consist, it will not be selected and will remain part of the
consist when the status is edited.
19.2 Note for Non-Digitrax Decoder Users
If you have a decoder that does not have advanced 28/128 speed step mode
available, you must “status edit” that locomotive to standard 14 speed step
mode before running it with your Digitrax system. Changing the decoder’s sta-
tus will cause the system to handle this decoder as a 14 step decoder. Status
editing does not reprogram anything in the decoder.
20.0 UR92 Additional Information
20.1 Advanced UR92 Installation
Adding UR92s
will provide better signal coverage for complex layouts. If you
are adding more than one UR92 be sure to connect all of the units to LocoNet
before changing the Duplex Group name or channel number. This will prevent
the units from automatically re-negotiating these values with each addition.
1. Add the UR92(s) to your LocoNet. (See UR92 Installation section.)
2. After adding extra UR92s, use the DT402D to turn OFF layout track power
and then turn track power back ON. This forces all the UR92s to automati-
cally negotiate a common Duplex Group name and channel number. (Your
Group name may change with each UR92 addition.)
3. Rejoin the DT402Ds by either the tethered (described above) or untethered
method (described in the DT402 manual) to use the newly established
Duplex Group name and channel.