fy it and put it on the track as the power that runs the locos. You can have sev-
eral boosters on a system, each driving its own track section. You can have
both regular or auto reversing boosters depending on your needs. Also called
Power Booster, Power Station.
scanning sequentially through locomotive or accessory decoder
addresses and statuses in you throttle. Browsing is done with the DT402 by
turning the throttle knobs or using the Y+ or N- Keys.
closed, indicates that the turnout is in the straight through position, set for
the mainline. For op switch set ups, consult your manual for the meaning of
c and t.
See Throttle.
Command Station:
Most systems have one Command Station that generates
the commands that are sent to the decoders. The command station also pro-
duces Rail Sync so that all the devices on your LocoNet work together.
Common (Loco Status):
a locomotive that is not currently “in-use” by a throt-
tle connected to LocoNet but is still being refreshed by the command station.
A loco with a status of “common” is selectable by any throttle on LocoNet.
Common Rail Wiring:
A wiring system in which one side of all the track
power supplies are connected. The common rail concept simplified block
wiring in conventional DC systems, but is not recommended for DCC wiring.
(see Direct Home Wiring).
the ability of equipment made by various companies to operate
together on the same layout. DCC compatibility extends to decoders and
boosters but not to throttles, command stations, system architecture and
advanced features that are not DCC related.
Complete Train Control
: the integration of many technologies including DCC
for total layout control. Since DCC covers only limited aspects of layout
control, the hybrid Digitrax Complete Train Control goes beyond the basics of
DCC to provide you with a total layout control system.
Configuration Register (CV29):
this special CV controls several different
decoder characteristics including:
1. Whether the decoder uses standard 14 speed step mode or advanced
28/128 speed step mode
2. Whether or not the decoder will automatically convert to DC operation
when no DCC signal is present.
3. In the case of Digitrax FX decoders, the normal direction of locomo-