Configure mobile interfaces
Digi TransPort User Guide
SMS settings
You can configure the mobile routers to send and receive SMS messages. The sending of SMS
messages could for example be in conjunction with sending alarms and received messages for
configuration changes, or status requests.
Poll for incoming SMS messages
This checkbox opens to show the following parameter:-
Every n minutes
The interval, in minutes, that the router will wait in between checks for incoming SMS
messages. Setting this interval to
turns off checking.
Enable command replies via SMS
Enables or disables replies to SMS commands.
Concatenate replies
Normally an SMS message is limited to 160 characters. However, the ETSI standard specifies a
way to allow a number of SMS messages to be linked together by the sender (in this case the
router). This enables the router to reply with long responses to SMS commands of longer than
160 characters. The reply comes back as a series of linked SMS messages which the phone
reassembles and displays as one big message.
The routers cannot handle received concatenated SMS messages, it can only transmit
concatenated SMS messages