Event Logcodes parameters
Digi TransPort User Guide
Alarm Priority is dependent on the event being logged by Entity
Selecting this checkbox makes the priority conditional on which system entity triggered the
event, such as Ethernet, and enables the following two configuration options:
A list of the system entities.
Selecting this radio button causes all of the system entities.
Selecting this radio button enable a text entry box that allows the user to enter the instance of
the selected entity.
Priority only applies to
A set of checkboxes, each checkbox controlling whether the priority is applied to that interface
instance. So for example, to apply the priority to PPP interface
, click on
Store a snapshot of the Traffic Analyser trace on the log drive
Selecting this checkbox causes a snapshot of the analyser trace to be stored on the USB flash
If this event creates an Email alarm
Attach a snapshot of the Traffic Analyser trace
Checking this checkbox causes a snapshot of the analyser trace to be attached to the email.
After this event
Leave the Analyser trace
Leaves the analyser trace unchanged.
Freeze the Analyser trace
Causes the analyser to be frozen, such as no more logging will take place until the email has
been sent.
Delete the Analyser trace
Causes the analyser trace to be deleted once the email has been sent.
Attach a snapshot of the Event Log
Causes the event log to be attached to the email.
After this event
Leave the Event Log
Selecting this radio button will leave the event log unchanged.
Delete the Event Log
Selecting this radio button will cause the event log to be deleted after the email has been sent.
Attachment List ID
Which files to attach to the email. The ID refers to the table of files.