GPS parameters
Digi TransPort User Guide
GPS parameters
GPS parameters are configured on the
Configuration > GPS
The following descriptions show how to configure a router to accept and forward GPS data using
the web interface and by using CLI commands.
Enable local monitoring
When checked, this checkbox allows messages from the GPS receiver may be viewed on the
Management > Position > GPS
status page. Which messages are displayed is configured via
entries in a table.
GPS Module Initialization String
Some GPS receivers may require configuration via an initialization message at start-up in
order to send the appropriate messages in the required format, at the required data rate. Any
such required command string is entered into the text entry box and will be sent to the
attached GPS receiver module when the router initializes the module.
The table described here controls which NMEA messages should be sent from the module.
The default is to enable all messages.
Fix data (GGA)
When the associated checkbox is checked, the fix data (2D, 3D or no fix) will be output.
Position (GLL)
This checkbox, when checked, causes the Geographic position (Latitude/Longitude) sentence
to be output.
Active Satellites (GSA)
Checking this checkbox causes the NMEA sentence containing the number of active satellites
used to calculate the position, to be output.
Satellites in view (GSV)
Checking this checkbox causes the NMEA sentence containing the number of satellites in view
to be output.
Position and Time (RMC)
Checking this checkbox causes the NMEA sentence containing the current position and time,
to be output.
Course over Ground (VTG)
Checking this checkbox causes the NMEA sentence containing the course data to be output.
UTC and local date/time data (ZDA)
Checking this checkbox causes the NMEA sentence containing the current local time and date,
to be output.
All other messages
The above messages are the most common and useful NMEA sentences. Many GPS modules
support additional messages. Checking this checkbox causes the modules to output any other
supported messages.
IP Connection 1
GPS data may be sent to up to two IP destinations. These are specified in the following two
sections of the web page.