Configure Ethernet interfaces
Digi TransPort User Guide
Ethernet QoS Parameters
The parameters on this page control the Quality of Service management facility. Each Ethernet
interface has an associated QoS instance, where ETH 0 maps to QoS 5, ETH 1 maps to QoS 6 and
so on. These QoS instances include ten QoS queues into which packets may be placed when
using QoS. Each of these queues must be assigned a queue profile from the twelve available.
Enable QoS on this interface
This checkbox, when checked, reveals the following QoS configuration parameters:-
Link speed n Kbps
This setting should be set to the maximum data rate that this PPP link is capable of sustaining.
This is used when calculating whether or not the data rate from a queue may exceed its
minimum Kbps setting as determined by the profile assigned to it and send at a higher rate
(up to the maximum Kbps setting).
Queue n
Below this column heading, is a list of ten queue instances. Each instance is associated with
the profile and priority on the same row.
Profile n
This column contains the profile to be associated with the queue. There are twelve available,
, which are selected from the drop-down list boxes.
This column contains drop-down menu boxes which are used to assign a priority to the
selected queue. The priorities available are
Very High
, and
Very Low