Configure Advanced interfaces settings
Digi TransPort User Guide
The username to be used for MLPPP login.
The password to be used for MLPPP login. This password is used for both B-channel PPP
Confirm password
Type the password in this text box to confirm that the password has been correctly typed in.
The following three radio buttons control how the IP address for the router is assigned.
Allow the remote device to assign a local IP address to this router
When this radio button is selected, the remote peer will assign this PPP interface an IP
Try to negotiate a.b.c.d as the local IP address for this router
If it would be useful, but not essential, to have a predefined IP address for the interface, the
second radio button should be selected and the desired IP address entered into the text box
to the right.
Use a.b.c.d as the local IP address for this router
If it is essential that the PPP interface has a specific IP address, this radio button should be
selected and the IP address entered into the text box.
Use mask a.b.c.d for this interface
The default value in this text box will normally work, and should only be changed if it is known
that the default is not appropriate. Since PPP is a peer-to-peer protocol, this value is
appropriate in most situations.