Configure Advanced interfaces settings
Digi TransPort User Guide
Advanced PPP parameters
This section contains PPP configuration parameters that do not normally need changing from the
defaults and are therefore placed in a separate section to reduce clutter on the web pages.
The connected metric of the interface. The default metric of a connected interface is 1. By
allowing the interface to have a higher value (lower priority), static routes can take precedence
over interfaces. For normal operation, leave this setting unchanged.
Allow this PP interface to settle for s x 100 milliseconds
On wireless links, it is possible that the initial packets sent to the interface by the TCP layer
may be dropped by the network if they are sent too quickly after PPP negotiation has
completed. This setting defines the delay in notification sent to the TCP layer that PPP
negotiation has completed.
Enable “Always On” mode of this interface
If the
Always on
option is available on the interface, enabling this setting reveals the following
two radio buttons. When this functionality is enabled, the router will automatically try to
reconnect after about 10 seconds if the link becomes disconnected. This parameter should be
enabled when using AODI or W-WAN.
Default action, the interface will always try and raise this PPP link.
On and return to service immediately
These two radio buttons enable the
Always on
functionality and additionally the facility to
return to the in-service state after a disconnect event.
Put this interface “Out of Service” when an always-on connection attempt fails
Normally, always-on interfaces will not go out of service unless they have connected at least
once. When checked, this checkbox causes the router to put the interface out of service even
if the first connection attempt fails.
Attempt to re-connect after s seconds
The length of time, in seconds, the router should wait after an
Always on
PPP connection has
been terminated before trying to re-establish the link.
If a PPP interface that would be inhibited by this PPP is connected, attempt reconnection after
s seconds
The value in this setting takes precedence over the previous parameter when another PPP
instance that is usually inhibited by this one is connected. This parameter would typically be
used to reduce the connection retry rate when a lower priority PPP instance is connected.