CUBICON Single Plus
User Manual
Directions for use
Please read and follow the guide of ‘Product use precautions’ in prior to printer use.
User shall use the manufacturer’s original filament.
* Printer malfunction caused by imitation filament use excluded from complimentary A/S.
Unpacked filament shall be used as soon as possible.
In the case of keeping, filament shall be kept in sealed condition after fastening it to a spool
to prevent filament unpacking.
Filament spool
Installation and
Filament shall be installed considering rotation direction and a door handle locking condition
shall be inspected after installation.
Filament shall be prevented from coming loose from spool in the process of separating
filament spool from the printer.
User shall be cautious of extruder temperature setting.
* Extruder malfunction may occur in the case of wrong temperature setting due to nozzle
blockage, filament dividing etc.
User shall be cautious of temperature setting and shall remove filament of inside
the process of new filament replacement.
condition of heating
bed and nozzle
Nozzle/heating bed shall be heated and used with appropriate temperature for the filament in
Printing quality faulty and equipment malfunction, such as filament carbonization, extruding
faulty, dividing, and floor bird-caging may occur in the case of out of scale of filament in use
Once printing is finished, a model shall be separated after cooling heating bed off.
extruder and nozzle
Regular extruding condition inspection and cleaning control are required.
* Worn nozzle replacement caused by regular use is excluded from complimentary A/S.
Outside of nozzle shall be cleaned with pure cotton cloth after heating nozzle.
User shall be cautious of damage of inside extruder in the process of inside nozzle cleaning
with the nozzle control pin.
* User shall get proficient to prevent extruder malfunction due to wrong use.
The nozzle control pin shall be used after detachable extruder separation to prevent inside
extruder damage.
The nozzle cooling, heating repetition is prohibited in the condition of putting filament inside
Make sure to turn off the printer power before separation/combination.
The printer power shall not be turned off in the heat condition of detachable extruder.
(The printer power can be turned off in the case of detachable extruder separation right after
turning off the power for repair/replacement etc.)
Fixed extruder
Regular cleaning control of fixed extruder is required.
Contaminants of visible gear of fixed extruder bottom side and contaminants of filament
channel shall be removed after detachable extruder separation.