CUBICON Single Plus
User Manual
12. Trouble shooting
* The printer hardware problem can be solved by initializing through {Setting > Function > Initialize} or through
firmware update.
* Printing quality can be different depending on printing condition or cubicreator option setting in G-Code process.
Therefore make sure to check quality using different printing condition or option.
It is important to inspect problem source clearly in the case of equipment problem occurrence. Make sure to film
of modelling file (STL), hfb(hvs) file, related problem picture and video to provide for customer support.
1) USB memory data is invisible.
Cubicon Single Plus supports only formats in FAT32 form file system.
Cubicon Single Plus supports only English named files. In the case of file names in different languages,
letters may break or it may seem as empty blank. Therefore make sure to change file name from other
language to English for proper use.
Printing might be interrupted in the case of including characters such as “.“ in file name. (System
recognizes “.“ from back as filename extension)
Only *.hfb and .hvs files are visible on LCD screen of Cubicon Single Plus. Make sure to check if a file is
copied properly into USB memory.
Printer may recognize up to 255 USB memory files. Make sure to arrange files in proper quantity.
2) USB memory data cannot be printed.
Make sure to check if selected files are in G-Code of *.hfb , *.hvs filename extension.
Only sliced G-Code (*.hfb , *.hvs filename extension) files can be used by cubicreator in Cubicon
Single Plus. G-Codes, which use different slicing programs, cannot be printed and they may cause
equipment damage.
USB memory data might have been damaged. Try to remake and use remade G-code file.
Printing cannot be processed in the case of improper implementation in memory copy process after
slicing by using cubicreator. Make sure to use the cubicreator and check if related G-Code is proper to
use. G-code is improper to use in the case of abnormal printing channel, which is shown as G-Code.
Slicing might have been gone wrong through the cubicreator due to improper 3D model. Import original
3D model from the cubicreator and check if there is any problem in slicing or G-Code transmission
normality. Use special 3D model inspection program and check any possible problem of 3D model.
There might be a problem in USB memory data storage due to security program of PC or virus. Take
appropriate measures for soling problem after inspection and try again.
3) Printing cannot be proceeded due to PC and USB cable connection.
Check if there is any problem in PC and printer USB cable connection.
Check if Cubicon Single Plus driver is installed to PC properly.
. Check if PC problem is related to virus and reinstall driver after solving the problem.
Connection problem may occur due to communication problem of PC and printer. Try to reconnect USB
cable or rerun the cubicreator or turn OFF and ONN rear power button.
4) Printing cannot be proceeded due to PC and WIFI connection
Check if PC and the printer are connected to identical router.
Use the printer and PC in places, where WIFI is well connected.