Welcome to Corel PaintShop Pro X4
scene, swap in the best smiles from a series of group photos, or include
multiple poses of the same person in one image. For more information,
see “Combining photos with Photo Blend” on page 118.
Selective Focus effect
Selective Focus lets you create a miniature effect (also called a tilt-shift
effect), transforming a real scene into a toy-like miniature model. You
can also use Selective Focus to bring attention to important parts of
your images — it's perfect for blurring out busy details around your
subjects. For more information, see “To apply a miniature effect by
using Selective Focus” on page 136.
Vignette effect
Vignette is a classic effect that lets you bring attention to the most
important part of your photo by applying a soft outer border that fades
to white or black. For more information, see “To apply a Vignette
effect” on page 138.
Fill Light/Clarity filter
Fill Light brightens shadow areas of photos without affecting other
areas of the photo. Clarity enhances subtle yet important details. For
more information, see “To brighten dark areas and adjust clarity” on
page 80.
New & Enhanced!
Built-in sharing to Facebook® and Flickr®
Share to Facebook® or Flickr® with the click of a button. For more
information, see “Uploading photos to a sharing site” on page 170.
Camera RAW Lab
The Camera RAW Lab now has a larger preview area and an improved
histogram that makes it easier to assess your adjustments. New
highlight recovery options can help reconstruct detail in overexposed